Trial of Terrors Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Oct 18, 2023.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Trial of Terrors Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Curcubitor event schedule
    The Curcubitor event will spawn curcubitors at the following times:
    • Monday - Friday: between 19:00 to 23:00 everyday (4h)
    • Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 to 15:00 (4h) and 19:00 to 23:00 (4h) What about the players that play early morning between 0100 and 0900. We don't count. We get screwed all the time when it comes to events. You guys do know that the game runs 24-7 and lots of folks don't play at these times because they have jobs. Your team is worthless and never address to players complaints. still haven't been compensated yet for the months long can't login 3 days a week because you let the bots take control. But just keep catering to them.
  3. I already know this is one of the best events in this game but did you accidentally link the old faq or did you just not add or change anything with this? If that's the case that is pretty lame to just copy and paste from last year. Could maybe have some different npc in gate or new recipes in assembly. Right now only thing that is different is some payment ship designs
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    The Trial of Terrors event starts on Thursday, 19th October at 10 am (LST) and it runs until Thursday, 2nd November at 23:59 (LST).
    • Monday - Friday: between 19:00 to 23:00 everyday (4h)
    • Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 to 15:00 (4h) and 19:00 to 23:00 (4h) "that's my complaint " it is a good event but like most events after the merger from uswest server to useast server the event are 3 hours earlier with no time ajustments for those players. events are not the only thing we lost, upgrade happy hour was made pretty hard to use. it happens when were all getting out of work. Those who stayed after the merger lost alot. Well those who work for a living did.
  5. test020

    test020 User

    i truly agree, they have to ditch the hourly based events and make it whole day instead.
    Star*Fire and .-señor_dark11-. like this.
  6. Where do Y find the gate to these terrors? Can´t find it on X-1 to X-8?
  7. It's in your x-4 map
    TheDutchAvenger likes this.
  8. I find only one thing a big disappointment, I used BP keys last 2 events to get Asmodeus lasers but they don't work unless we have 3 of them and now 3rd event is running and no Asmodeus laser in the BP.
    Great job guess they are hoping everyone is gonna buy the 3rd laser for only 128.00 and after I already upgraded the first 2 to lvl 20 we get ripped of by not giving the 3rd laser.
    This is typical game play by the DO team.
  9. I agree with Star*Fire. The timing of events makes no sense. Just run them all day, so all customers will have a chance to play. I mean, isn't that the point, to get as many customers to play the game?

    I also have been waiting for REAL COMPENSATION for the $ we paid for items not able to use due to game being so unstable these last 3 months. I saw DO posted they would do this type of compensation once game was stable. I saw post saying game is much more stable now so we are ready. GIVE US WHAT WE PAID FOR PLEASE. NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME.
  10. Where do you get the IAC materials to upgrade to level 20 so easily?
    I only see it in monthly calendar and the battlepass.
  11. I guess the reason why there isnt asmodeus laser is that they just copied the event 100% from last year, nothing has changed at all from last year including battle pass. Very lazy of them.
  12. The laser uses diametrion not IAC.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023
    -=MarcVenture=- likes this.
  13. test020

    test020 User

    did they lay off some people in the team or they just became lazy?
    most of the stuff i can see in wikia isn't accessible anymore nor there is anything "new" per se, only a few recycled stuff that is copy-pasted.
    like plus ships and how liberator plus could have been a credit way to introduce people to it but naaah.
  14. Waaugh

    Waaugh User

    Nice I didnt even look at upgrading it since the other items are taking so long.

    Its interesting to run into people bragging about "One configing" as they have all upgraded lasers and shields it seems.
    But its cool I just play with my keyboard and kill the delta alien golis.
  15. [​IMG]

    It is very difficult to kill 1800 Curcubitors on the Terror map. There are 90 Curcubitors per gate, if one gate was made every day, it would be finished in twenty days. The event already lasts for fourteen days.
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  16. yes yes i love the event its great fantastic only thing i was hoping you can do is get rid of the million botts in x8 maps as i cant get much popcorn due to the speed and power of them hence taking me for ever oh oh and they causing me loads of lag which freezes my game thanku and if i get connection ill try to get prem back thanku i love the game
    ]Coldheart[ and test020 like this.
  17. Oddy

    Oddy User

    Good event that has rerun for years, not much to complain.
    Couple of things I would like to see to change:

    - The last objective mission should be either changed or the ToT gate should be 2 times per day instead of 12 hour cooldown.
    - Some objective rewards are bad: sprays should be put in pumpkin boxes, not for the reward, ammunition should be at least x5 more than regular (from 2500 -> 10.000) and tech amount should be increased.
    - A way to convert candy corn to golden corn and vice versa.
    - In ToT, randomized ammo is alright but being mixed with rockets is a bit annoying when you end up with more rocket than laser ammunition after the event. Would be a lot better if one map would reward only laser ammunition and the other rockets.
    - Curcubitor spawns should happen 3 times per day; at morning, midday and afternoon/evening. In weekends, 4 times.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
  18. pirat-177

    pirat-177 User

    Every other event is more than once daily.... some people can't play at night.... so what about them ? 20:00-00:00 .... we are [REMOVED] that's it
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 25, 2023
  19. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    couldn't agree more, only part of this event I see is the TOT. nothing else in the event for us. plus i complained about this for years and have already came to the fact that they don't two (of those things.) you catch my drift.

    Curcubitor event schedule
    The Curcubitor event will spawn curcubitors at the following times:
    • Monday - Friday: between 19:00 to 23:00 everyday (4h)
    • Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 to 15:00 (4h) and 19:00 to 23:00 (4h) What about the players that play early morning between 0100 and 0900. We don't count. We get screwed all the time when it comes to events. You guys do know that the game runs 24-7 and lots of folks don't play at these times because they have jobs. Your team is worthless and never address to players complaints. still haven't been compensated yet for the months long can't login 3 days a week because you let the bots take control. But just keep catering to them.
  20. test020

    test020 User

    they should make boss curcubitors spawn 24/7, change box reward system to remove top 5 damage dealers which are usually automated players and make it reduce up to 100% with a 8Hr cooldown so that they won't farm a billion candy corn on x-8.

    simple way to fix it for everyone and automated players can't complain, they should also add a easy version of this gate, my brother wasted over three hours on this gate since he was full sl-2 with flaxes and a enforcer, zero formations to help.
    meanwhile one of my characters which is full lf4-pd managed to complete it over 30 minutes with kami thanks to premium code and aegis shield restore to tank the aliens, if i get enough uridium and buy moth it'll become even faster.

    it was pretty simple, use turtle with kami config and lots of shields, kami aliens, fly away, restore shield and swap to dmg config to use dba, rinse and repeat.

    he didn't even have pet, barely X formation that he had to swap for arrow to not lose honor and his most hated parts were the kristallons, most boring ones were the uber sibelons due to high health and x1...
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2023
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