Buff or Adjust Unstable LF-4

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by DJBrightxx, Nov 14, 2023.

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  1. DJBrightxx

    DJBrightxx User

    Increase Damage to 250 but also possible lowest damage to 100.
  2. Everyone goes for prometheus right away anyways so I dont see any point in this, obsolete laser.
    Also polls arent allowed in Update&idea corner
  3. Most are just sold off. Useless junk in inventory like lf2s and bo1s
  4. test020

    test020 User

    their point was being a test for varying damage though until enhanced lasers popped up, what is funny is that enhanced lasers don't use unstable lf4's, it's logdisks that are required even though it makes no sense.... nor you can stabilize them into regular or enhanced lf4's.

    downright dumb.

    you get 10 prometheus lasers after level 17 though, till then it's LF3 because 15% pve dmg, meanwhile spectral lancers get no pve buff even though they were lasers meant for PVE, lol.

    also someone in the dev team wants to make their own version of dark orbit it seems as the scatter laser's quirk was having extra damage at the cost of range, yet the furry looking laser which is caucasus and prometheus don't have a range reduction for the same quirk as scatter lasers, they also use the same dumb materials as the BL/infection maps which are IAC and oil instead of you know... needing scatter laser since it uses the same tech, only enhanced lf4's uses a regular lf4 which MAKES SENSE but the rest? nah.

    if you are a starter you can often add them to PET for the extra dmg until you can bid in lf3's, else yeah their function is to be extra credits.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023