Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ĐΣΛĐ-MAN-ШΘNĐEЯĻΛŃĐ, Mar 9, 2024.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Logging in takes 15-30min. or more. Jumping ports gets u stuck and start all over again to the forever login issues.
  2. Sent this issue to support they said the servers have no issues and my account has no issues lol,
    tell me then why can't i play? or login and do a gate without crashing?
  3. AVIT

    AVIT User

    loads of cheats are back playing on my server ,, my server is the same cant login or loose connection all the time ..
  4. **silver**

    **silver** User

    unplayable......congrats DO you make this game a totally garbage
  5. Also cant login. Just says establishing connection and stays that way.
  6. tibstar

    tibstar User

  7. same problem here - DO support where are you ???????
  8. They are giving our ability to login the same attention we got from:
    Lost season pass time
    Weapons not firing in maps
    Battle hacks
    Account sharing
    Account selling

    I could go on....
  9. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    Again, this problem occurred without warning, Ga 4 take a look at it establishing connection for how many hours up to now...
    IANIS19 likes this.
  10. Grandpa_II

    Grandpa_II User

    same not able to log in
  11. pilepilee

    pilepilee User

    Global Europe and Global Europe 6 , not work login!?. Why ?
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  12. USA(East Coast) game unable establish connection. ??
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
  13. I find it frustrating that they cant even issue a statement about it at all. Even if they cant work out what's wrong yet, at least say something?
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  14. edlee1975

    edlee1975 User

    us east coast same game sucks cant log in
  15. Forum mods aren't even gonna look at these posts if anybody wants compensation gonna all have to send a ticket to support so they are aware of the issue again.
    Maybe by Christmas we will see all our compensation packages lol.
  16. pirat-177

    pirat-177 User

    GE3 from yesterday can't log in. Can't even get to the spacemap. Saturday/Sunday is lost AGAIN! I lost my gate bcs of crashing whatever. We keep waiting for compensate from season pass whatever. Now i buy discount i buy 50% honour booster and what.... waste of money FOR NOTHING. "We will compensate" with what exactly ? 200 polychrom 10 green keys 20gg 20k ucb-100 ? useless EVERYTIME. get low...
  17. Kernow69

    Kernow69 User

    Looks like another weekend DOS attack, you'd think BluePoint / Dark Orbit would have put in safeguards by now.
    Another weekend of 50% EP/ Hon boosters wasted with no refund :(
  18. Snoopyyt

    Snoopyyt User

    Yeah i have the same problem cant login from yesterday! established connection stuck, i got in 5mins ago went to port to jump from 1-5 to 4-5 game crashed and cant get in again! .. :D
  19. 10:30 AM US Central time. Haven't been able to log in since yesterday afternoon.
  20. Blastu2

    Blastu2 User

    I can get to my main page but cant get logged on for the last 6 hours. My pc and connection are fine. whats up?