Why was I banned?

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by ByTurkmatrix, Apr 13, 2024.

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  1. I was banned some time after the event started. I received these warnings when logging in.
    -(Your account has been temporarily banned until 2024-04-24 11:37:14.)
    As a result of my research on Darkorbit forums, "Error 98" was related to pushing.
    Darkorbit is a PVP game. Galactic Strife is a PVP event, but I was banned for killing the same ship multiple times.
    On Map 4-4 a ship attacked me and I killed it. This ship then respawned in the portal and attacked again without repair. I killed him again. This continued many times. This ship was probably a BOT.
    I play games with my effort, but I get banned for 2 weeks because I killed a BOT.
    Where is the justice in this?

    My question is, does Darkorbit really fight BOTs?
    I'll be back in two weeks and be the grim reaper of the BOTs.

    I'm AprinChor
    USA 3 East Coast
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    You're not allowed to kill bots over and over, it's frowned upon, and they're here to stay, this is now the way of the world, a 3rd party afk reports you yet you get the ban, it might be legal because bots ARE a paid for subscription, but it's NO WAY lawful! New law out[ not allowed to hate now] (smh).
    eno7 and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  3. I will continue my fight against BOTs. If they want to ban me completely, I will log in with my other account and become the grim reaper of those cowardly bots. My goal is no longer ranking, my only goal will be to prevent bots from rising. I will be their nightmare, especially in events and BL maps.
    eno7, MacSgalpaigh and jayherbo like this.
  4. test020

    test020 User

    they introduced diminishing rewards for same ship killing to prevent new players from feeling discouraged to play because they are killed multiple times which should make a hunter give up on the weak player once there is no reward anymore, continued killing can be considered pushing by the investigation team and in your case it seems they ruled out as pushing for you to be banned.

    next time don't kill the same player until you get nothing even if it's a robot, i can be sure the robot doesn't care since it's a robot and it doesn't have feelings and if you see a number at the end of their nickname then you can bet the owner of that robot doesn't care either as he probably has more robots to control.

    not robots, players.

    robots use accounts anyway and push bans usually affect both parties even if one doesn't retaliate, if he got banned then whoever owns that robotic account does not care about it and is probably gigging that he got the guy banned, some robots will often kill people on purpose to push ban them as well, best thing to do is record and send to support and let them figure it out, they do get money when new robotic accounts need to be made because of the cyborg package that gets you to level 17 :cool:
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024
  5. There are many pvp missions (e.g. 10,000 kills, galactic strife, etc.). For these missions, it is necessary to kill a player more than once. The punishment for killing a player cannot be a ban. If they were really considering a beginner player, they would get pvp protection up to a certain level.

    There is a clan that places 2 bots on each map for Capital and Find. (I am not writing names because it is forbidden to give names.)
    Stroke Light Barrage, Invoke, Mindfire etc. Another example; Can an account opened 1.5 years ago be in the top five? This person must be in the game 24/7 or cheat. I sent these to the support team multiple times. They did nothing.
    (I checked those names on Dostats and they were not banned even once.)
  6. test020

    test020 User

    everything you are trying to argue has been argued to death and pushing remains the same, killing the same player until they stop giving you rewards is the game telling you to find someone else, continuing to kill past that point means you can get push banned if the guy reports you, if he doesn't report then nothing happens, this is why people often message on global chat to arrange killings for the kill 50 guys mission ;)

    report with proofs and move on, you can use OBS to record the people cheating by the by and take screenshots, after being finished with your report just move on and keep playing.

    also there is a chinese saying that i can't post here for some reason but it says about cheating being fair until you get caught and it seems current bp runs by that motto considering their holding company :rolleyes:
    jayherbo likes this.
  7. Just was in 4-5 map and their were 2 clans building new bot's using trains with big accounts to help the very small accounts build up very fast also had 2 player using spearhead killing anyone trying to kill their trains.
    I have watched both these clans build multiple accounts probably in the hundreds they have never been ban so come to your own conclusion.
    Also if they were scared of being ban do you think they would name their accounts all the same name with numbers from 1-8 which is how many you need for a train.
  8. Bombard

    Bombard User

    I'v seen of many portal many years, also enemy map. That one ship is destroyed forever, and come up again and again without repairing at one bit. If there is no some suspicion act, where is? No one wants to be get space station and get back same portal to be destroyed again continually, there is no sense, point, nothing, except to help other ship owner to get easily benefit of it. And no, i don't mean situation when some get popped out of map, and get raged, and feel excessive fury to pay back, and popped again few times. I mean really constantly getting your own ship shot down.