Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ΣVÏŁ_ŠİŦĤ, Apr 26, 2024.

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  1. BF-109E

    BF-109E User

    i keep telling ppl to stop buying and log out till its fixed but ppl with money wont comply ,no solidarity anymore yet they complain when things go wrong, so selfish
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  2. Yeah you are right but when you are told by the team that runs the game that it has been fixed, on good faith we assume there wasn't going to be any problem.
    Although it seems BP team is only hoping they fixed the problem but no real guarantee.

    So now I trust nothing they say it's been going on and on and on with game problems bot problems bug abuse problems and what do they do when they are caught?
    (3 day ban loss of honor) but keep all stolen currency also keep rankings in any event they were abusing!

    Also we believed the game was fixed so we spend a little money trying for goodies that are supposed to be available to everyone and because the game team has let us all down again you call us selfish?
    jayherbo likes this.
  3. I can`t play at all, just "The connection was interrupted" all day, EU3. Tried to reboot, cleared cash but nothing helps. I guess this is common problem today?
    jayherbo likes this.
  4. **silver**

    **silver** User

    why all you are surprised if DO don't work? if you have a botter account,it work wonderful......if you are honest player,you have and will have a lot of problems....just like Do says....thanks for your patience but we prefer botterts that buy our bot programs ;) so....or you leave the game and left botters play here only or you accept that DO don't have care about honest and live players....this is the matter....so,no wonder......simply i play when i can.....and not buy uri or stuffs....never spent in all my DO life ^^ till they prefer sell programs to botters....i don't spend.... "THANKS FOR YPUR PATIENCE.....our DDOS attack is called "BOTTERS" " ;)
    .-señor_dark11-. and jayherbo like this.
  5. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Us selfish legitimate players' shame on us yet again for even believing anything that BP says!
  6. The game is a joke was able to enter this morning for 1 minute then it said server restart when it's not server restart time. logged out re-entered when restart was finished accepted daily missions, used a jump cpu and game is crap again jump didn't work no I am stuck haha game team is a joke and game is a joke.
    Enjoy the game i am going to play a real good game with a real good team no more of this garbage game for me this weekend.
    jayherbo likes this.
  7. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    10 minutes in map getting kicked, so can't do eggs, can't do gates, can't get schism.................
  8. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    think i got it all in the heading. Happen yeasterday when jumping from one map to another. I will say, you know that hour long shut down to fix the game issues. Well i'm just guessing but i think it didn't work or you missed an issue. just saying
    us server about 7:30 - 7:40 am ( forgot to look t the exact time.)
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  9. dont foget they done yet another ban wave as a warning lol only temparay 1 there a joke if its agaist the rules baN THEM SIMPLES
    jayherbo likes this.
  10. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    us server locked up yesterday on map jump, took 1 hour before i could log back in. Today open mission control to pick some missions and game locked up. logged out and now game page will not load. if you look in general issues if you wish times.
    jayherbo likes this.
  11. apul777

    apul777 User

    trash game
  12. Misutka93

    Misutka93 User

    The same for me, It crush a day i couldn't logg in and then when I logg in it work for 2 hours and It crush again.***
  13. cant log in, 3 times this week
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  14. Global Europe same problem. I used to see at least "The connection was interrupted" message, but now loading screen crashes at only 25%. Where are your servers Bigpoint? Are they too attacked by russian missiles like my homecity?
  15. I have to say support/devs/mods are very very good at suppression of any discussion about the real issues in the game.
    You mention anything about someone auto flying in the maps or running a choo choo and poof banned.

    Hmmmm I think there is a pattern as we have eggs out and cannot play at all. My ship has been lost to jumping the port again.
  16. Today i can't even start to play, all I saw was "The connection was interrupted" message first, dut after few hours client cant even be opened, loading freezes on 25% procents. I guess its not planned tech work, but why nobody from moderators here or officials explained nothing? Its simple communication thing, I have payed money for this product and I want to know why I cant used it? Maybe someone besides BP know whats happening?
    jayherbo likes this.
  17. Old client I always had premium and bought during happy hour and continued with new client...no more. Now the botters are here so whats the use. Cannot catch them in points and in my opinion it looks like the real players are playing a game in which we keep going by supporting DO with money and the boters are the ones profiting
  18. Hello Space Pilots,

    The game has been restored, thanks to the efforts of the development team. lol
    SirThrills, Yesterday at (((8:14 PM ))) took some time then ..Doubles started at 11 night before
  19. BF-109E

    BF-109E User

    always enjoy a good joke lol
    ☺chris☻[CHG] and jayherbo like this.
  20. I noticed a big change in rank points. I jumped to lieut from ch sargent. Must have gotten rid of many players(bots) so if true thank you DO. Keep it up game is much better... to be continued lol
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