Auction items delivery delay

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by FL4X, Jun 16, 2024.

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  1. FL4X

    FL4X User

    So, basically everytime i win an item on auction it still 1 hour to deliver on my account. Why is this happening?
  2. Do you receive the in-game mail saying that you've won the auction? Many players wait until the last few seconds to place winning bids.
  3. for me its 25minutes, for it to arrive in the hanger inventory ready to be equipped via an inbox message, headed item purchased, however i've noticed the boosters are applied as soon as the auction has ended.

    If it weren't for the boosters i'd say the delay is for validating the bids, does seem odd, they aren't ready to use right away
  4. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    for me auctions end at xx:25 hours so I have to wait until xx+1:00 until I get the rewards (35 minute wait) seems weird but oh well.. the daily and weekly auctions end at 00:25 the NEXT day... so I have to bid on Monday at 00:25 to get the Sunday daily or weekly at 1 AM on Monday ... kinda crazy