Bots and Cheats ...

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Perhaps a forum mod would like to give his thoughts on why the ranks dont alter lol ?
    jayherbo likes this.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    This multi comp garbage was designed for the bots as well, there is NO other possible reason, your own company can shoot you, it's pathetic!
    Last edited: May 29, 2024
    -TACKO-[H.E] likes this.
  3. Ban wave??? Only one (1) player got banned from the US East (US2) server. Was he the one waving?
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and jayherbo like this.
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Just looked at points needed to next rank and it's gone up not downo_O, what the hell is going on:(? so now i need even more points to next rank:eek:! GB server is full of bots/trains, so why are none on this server getting banned:mad:?

    So cheating players' getting banned has a negative effect on my Honor:confused:

    Is this "Youzu Interactive" telling legitimate players' to go play where the Sun don't shineo_O
    Last edited: May 30, 2024
    AVIT likes this.
  5. Like the Outer Limits tv program "do not touch that dial, we are now in control of your tv set( in this case the DO game) we are just along for the ride jayherbo.
    jayherbo likes this.
  6. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Yep and there's a lot of snakes in this game m8 .

    i just want to add ,i presume you know about DOstats ,
    Anyway according to that in the month of may .about 22 players have had a ban on Ge5 ,, now in theory if is is there third ban ,the users account will not be registered anymore so will not show (in theory) so could be more 22 . ..also according to the new announcement made that those caught breaking the T&C constantly during the detection periods will be perm banned regardless of how many previous bans so there could be more banned than what dostats says on that also . IF we are to take there word for it that is and dostats is correct ! ,,
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 2, 2024
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and jayherbo like this.
  7. One player is at ban 4 in the past few months.

    On my server I get to watch ships change owners in the top 20 pretty often. Same guys end up with the high ranking ships.
    But I thought buying/selling/sharing accounts was against terms?

    Ah well just like all the other cool things allowed to happen I guess.
  8. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Well today on the ge5 server there are a lot of full bot groups doing hades 24/7 lol and also in low gate ,
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and jayherbo like this.
  9. Well on my server we have players with over a billion rank points.
    The pure dedication and skill is amazing that no one is even close after that top group

    Makes me just want to whip out my wallet and..... Not spend on an unregulated unmoderated game.
  10. lol, they wont ban anyone, they would make good MP's say 1 thing , do sod all.........
  11. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    They really don't want any legitimate players' on this game!
    Danguba. likes this.
  12. So has the bot problem not really been resolved, as there appears to be a feature in the game to prevent such, the red box black box barrier that pops up at really inconvenient times to see if you're acting maliciously. I'm a newly legitimate player and already come across a suspected bot ship as i come across a horde of bonus boxes and this ship just come along and collected them all is such a fliud movement it was unreal, like when i collect them i have to stop on each box before moving the mouse onto the next
    jayherbo likes this.
  13. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    They might as well close this redundant thread as nothing will ever be done to remove this plague of scum from the game!
  14. oh by the way I am ready to leave this game for good seeing all the problems.
  15. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Don't leave! They put another Bot event on! Plenty of cargo to collect:mad:
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  16. The game is literally just bots and the ones who bot that are in the top 50 get left untouched. No moderators in the actual game anymore and the developers have no decency to its players or the Darkorbit community! This game would be great if the botters finally got taken care of and the develops actually updated the game.
  17. They got rid of my post where I say where players are getting the bots from free
    jayherbo likes this.
  18. Just had my first experience with a suspected bot ship farming Boss Kristillion on 2-7 and with the use of my enemy locator was able to get the first shots in before this ship came along and pummelled it for me at 130K a salvo, i'm only able to average 5K without rockets, I must have got over 100 kills this way and seriously benefited from it lol
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  19. The latest "ban wave" was a joke. I believe it was 6 low level players. Not much of a wave...more like a middle finger.
    IRON-THRONE and jayherbo like this.
  20. You're right about that. I've noticed no difference. They're still every where!
    IRON-THRONE and jayherbo like this.