game not loading

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by .-señor_dark11-., Jan 26, 2025.

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  1. everything loads slowly, it has been 3 damn weeks at least of this game not loading and now I am stuck in alfa since last night when I was doing gates. I can t even enjoy my days off cuz nothing works. now I'm stuck in a damn gate and cant connect, it lets me switch ships but wont let me connect. what is wrong with this game and why are the developers not fixing the game quicker?
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2025
  2. I'm just as frustrated as you are :mad: What's really sad :( is the fact that not one moderator or admin here has replied to any of these threads. I firmly believe that BP doesn't care about these issues and refuses to acknowledge or fix them simply because people keep spending money on the game. If everyone stopped paying and playing, it would be a whole different story.
  3. right, like at least acknowledge there is a problem and communicate with us, engage with us, what happened to that decency from the mods.
  4. same if you send ticket to support,get generated message with random names Edgar etc and said they hard work to fix problems,how we can see they fixed seprom sending from skylab (NEVER) and forcing us to play on unity,there we have no forum and lag is non stop,so we can do nothing,my subscription running out and nobody care,no compensation or refund
  5. That's funny, everytime I send in a support ticket, I always get a reply from either Edgar or Elizabeth, nobody else. You can still play using the flash client, you just have to put up with the long back page load times.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.