Other two premium action bar in the premium

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Killer02, Feb 10, 2025.

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  1. Killer02

    Killer02 User

    from the title of thread, topic concerns premium bars. With this thread i propose to insert two more premium bars inside the premium. Attention these two premium bar will be called in this way:
    • premium bar 2 withn pre-assigned key alt
    • premium bar 3 with pre-assigned key ctrl.
    From the names of the two premium bars everything is clear, pratically the player cannot assign the keys to these two bars, as we do for the already wll-known premium bar, but simply can access the resources, or everything you place on it by pressing the same keys as the premium note but with the addition of a key as a prefix for example alt in the case of the premium bar 2 or ctrl in the case of the premium bar 3. At the implementation level, adding these two bars is not very complicated, not only does it also give the player the possibility to set in the settings whether or not to make these two bars visible, as well as for the premium bar and can be moved, and it gives the possibility as for the other bars to choose how to appear on the screen and where to place it, accessing by the known configuration mode.
  2. My Dude, you do relise, that DO is switching to unity. and Flash will stop working,

    Meaning they cant get your first HotBar Fixxed, let alone add more...

    Bit of a hard ask atm, i recon
  3. Killer02

    Killer02 User

    I know that they are doing switch to unity. I didn't read all about situation, but i think that when switching to unity will be completed, BP can put other two premium bar, that i described in this thread, in premium before they will activate the peyment section.
  4. why didnt they set up and try everything on a test server before releasing it, doesnt make sense to release it full of bugs.....
    but being DO i suppose they have to keep the low standards up...........