Where to Start (Rerturning Player)

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by BadCompany, Feb 11, 2025.

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  1. BadCompany

    BadCompany User

    Coming back to the game after a few years off to so much new stuff its insane. Currently have all Prom lasers (all nearly lvl 16). But what should my next target be? Trying to keep F2P but unsure how much that hinders me
  2. Hardly Anything WORKS NOW MATE ITS A JOKE Not the it Used to be to be Totally Honest You will see what I Mean When youre playing and THEY ARE DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT apart from that Welcome back
  3. welcome back, game aint what it used to be, east 1 (merged server dead) couple people still play, if u working for rank Good Luck, if u want pvp get good mods and go for oddyesues lasers.
  4. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Sorry to say,but not really worth coming back .. for a returning player .you will never achieve good rank . for pvp you will be chasing pointlessly for the new weapons and stuff ..for new players ,well that's just silly .. cheats galore now and no bans and dead game .. 90% of my server on gb1 /ge5 are botting or using autos . support and game teams know the cheat sites where they are acquired from .and do nothing about it at all .

    But if your reason for returning is solely to complete missions and pass some time on (as mine is ).Welcome back you will find it hard and extremely annoying tho that there are 10 bots to the npc you are trying to kill and auto locking trains everywhere
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2025
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