Mimesis Mutiny Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Mar 11, 2025.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Mimesis Mutiny Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. yay another event for the botters, come on guys sort the game out ......
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  3. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    keep getting Disconnected message on so lost my key after few seconds and just bought pass how do i get more keys if this game is not fixed soon no one well be here
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  4. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Like that we stand a chance at ranking now. Good changes overall. Less clutter and lag than last year. New modules look good. Really appreciate that we're told the % ranges.

    Edit: never mind lol
    Freighter's bugged. It stopped moving entirely.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2025
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  5. game freezing , loading problems, disconnecting. all poor . game not fixed at all , pay money and no fixed
  6. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    its not the freighter its the game it just freezes, then jumps, flying across a map ship just stops then jumps, probably due to the anount of botters in the map.......
  7. please Bigpoint remove TRAIN BOTS lots of them are in maps impossible play
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  8. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    keep getting dis connected, and come on guys ban the bots..............

    you need to ban the cheats, trains of ships after the same npc's and they lock them before you have a chance to do anything, come on DO grow a backbone.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 15, 2025
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  9. jesus how many dis connections do we have to have in this game, its constantly doing it, and why is it i get dis connected and the bots never lose connection even when they are sat on port.
  10. 1akiles8

    1akiles8 User

    Please need to to something with botters around the maps can't play because they targeting mobs very fast cuz they have autolock , i buy premium ,rebate so please make this game without bots its no point to play if there are only bots online. What's the point then to play ???
  11. Same thing every year... cheating accounts in the event gate every hour on hour while they are in x3 and x4 maps farming the event aliens too...

    How are non-cheaters supposed to get any decent rewards in the "ranks" that the cheating accounts are stealing the top places while little pointless buries their head in the sand and hands out the rewards to them for their cheating?

    While they are stealing the rewards from every gate and being greatly rewarded for it, I'm at work, having and enjoying life, unable to ever earn anywhere near enough points to earn any decent rewards in the "ranks" of this and other events.

    The cheaters continue to permanently gain an unfair advantage and little pointless allow it to happen to protect the revenue that they get from the cheating players because they spend money on the game too on top of cheating.

    A sad state of affairs when it is only the cheating players that ever win events now and pick up the top rewards for the ranks.

    What is even the point of this game anymore when it is 99% cheating accounts... might as well just shut the game down, especially with all the other problems that never get fixed - skylab down for weeks again so running out of sep on lasers and I refuse to craft seprom with the rip off uri price tag - I guess those DEI hires were not a good idea after all as they can't seem to fix anything that is broken!

    Perhaps little pointless should either delete the accounts of the cheating players, or at least delete 100% of everything from their cheating accounts, so us non-cheating players can stand a chance of getting some decent rewards in event "ranks" for a change.

    Perhaps little pointless could limit how many times the cheating accounts can do this gate each day, limit them to twice per day or just make it so they cannot earn points/rewards for their bot program doing the gate.

    However I am familiar with the little weaklings at little pointless, more concerned in protecting revenue being spent by cheating players than giving them real punishments, ruining the game for what is left of the minuscule non-cheaters and leaving us unable to gain any decent rewards in an event like this when it comes to the ranks.

    More little pointless pandering to cheating the players to keep them spending money that little pointless is desperate for.

    You might as well get rid of your T&C's as you are not interested in enforcing them unless it is to ban non-cheating players for destroying a cheating player one too many times - a joke in itself - cry baby cheaters getting protection having tantrums and cradling up in their mommies arms because of them going pop so much when they are botting.

    The T&C's are meaningless when you blatantly allow the same accounts to keep on cheating their way through every event and aspect of this game.

    You should be ashamed of yourselves. But that is the weak for you, absolving cheaters and criminals of their bad behavior, making excuses for them and allowing them to continue doing the things we all know they should not be doing while you continue to fail in doing anything about it.

    No wonder the game is so dead. New players do not stick around for long. Cheaters winning everything and being rewarded for it.

    Little pointless living in a delusional world where it's OK to violate their T&C's in one way but not in another way.

    I'm done with the game now... no point playing anymore...
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  12. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    events a joke, just followed a boter round , hes on drill taking no damage at all from npc's what a utter joke.
    and as usual what do DO do, same as always NOTHING..............
  13. this is the best cheating game ever made you know that ??? even after these 23-24 years i think
    whatever cheaters fight with cheaters , no real player anymore in this game after 205-17
  14. your right , they say its a pvp game , whaat a joke, its who has the best bot set up,
  15. other than being full of bots, the disconnection 30 times per gate is insanely unplayable, then you cant reconnect to the gate because you disconnect and have to respawn on the home map, worst run of this event by far
  16. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    wow the lagg on the maps where the botters are farming is unplayable, sort the game out, [REMOVED] ban them permanantly. not just take stuff off them or honour BAN THEM.
    Last edited by moderator: Friday at 7:48 PM
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.