
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ..BΛĐBΘY™.., Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. burkey

    burkey User

    How about we make it so only MP-1 can fire RSB :D
  2. no we dont want an update
    burkey likes this.

    SS_HELIOS User

    There are other things you can spend your money on you already have power most will get in maybe 3 years enjoy it because darkrobit is heading down a dead end road right now.
  4. I have played this game for well over 5 years and have been a huge wallet warrior and when i saw this post i thought this guy has got to be outta his damn mind!

    First, they will NOT be introducing any BO3's or LF5's according to Rick from the Development team.

    Second, sure they are offering a lot of stuff to newer players and i believe its a good idea to help bring on MORE PLAYERS. I dont know what server you play on but the one i am on is D E A D! So sure give them freebees or cheaper stuff, i dont care just get more ppl to our servers!

    So from a huge wallet warrior to another... NO NEW UPDATES! Fix whats freakin broken first, no new updates!

    Think it over man, think it over!
    2010!!, SS_HELIOS and cooljak96 like this.
  5. Alphabet

    Alphabet User

    Dumbest thread ever made.
  6. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I have an idea, how about Dark Orbit makes you a server JUST FOR YOU. There you can buy all the things you want and not be bothered with the "free player items".
  7. Well since you want a bloody good lf5 just get a your money and spent it on something else coz u already spent it on all u could in dark orbit.
    If you really just wanna have an edge u miss the point of the whole game to be somehow an idealistic place where ppl come and play some for free some with money in order to be in the same position and have fair fights . If we want to be bullied by u we just quit the game, wats the point for me playing lets say ,if i will just be poped from players like u. Do u think i will be playing just to make you happy so u feel the edge. People like you ruin the game thats all i have to say
  8. Oracle

    Oracle User

    mate ww's already have great advantage...Full upgrades, all designs full lf4/Havoc/hercules...An free player cant even get to that.So..Once you get to that point no need to pay ....


  9. pkomg

    pkomg User

    Yes, We Need Update !!! ( for new player :p )
  10. THOUGHTS IN BAD BOYS HEAD : I "bought" *cough cough:confused:* all my elite stuff and had fun for over a year getting Lazy no-skill kills:cool::D....NOW after 2 years the free and lower spending players are kind-of catching up to me:eek:o_O , and since they play better, I'm starting to pop now..WHAAAH:( ! I want LF5 and BO3 so I can go back to getting SUPER lazy kills again ..:mad:"

    HOW close am I Bad Boy ??
  11. now now lets not disrespect BP favourite kind of customers(including myself)

    BOSS~ADAM User

    So your acting like your better then free players? Free players feed the savage easy kill addiction of wallet warriors and if anything wallet warriors aren't there favorite customers since on a regular basis they manage to ruin the game or introduce a new glitch, etc.
  13. @BOSS~ADAM WW keep the game going, however we need the FTP players etc. Its a symbiotic relationship, however all i saw on this thread was picking on the OP although what he wants is kinda stupid, to me as long as i see more players on the map its fine by me. And how did WW ruin the game?

    BOSS~ADAM User

    They didn't ruin the game per say, the expensive updates they gained first did but them trolling lower maps and slaughtering new and free players everywhere they went helped to ruin it, most players have to play by the schedule of wallet warriors, you pay to keep the game going and its your decision to pay to play, that doesn't mean you should be arrogant, treated better and respected more, of course people would pick on the OP because he's delusional and wants to ruin the game so he can have easy kills and an advantage that he doesn't realize he already has.
  15. the moment they brought out rsb, emp's ect turned the game onto a downward spiral! i used to spend on game, NOT the vast amounts some do, but i would put £70 on a month, build some gates, get some boosters and abit of elite ammo.
    i have got into the situation where im close to UFE, i have all havocs, hercs, lf4s, just need a few more lf4s/b02s upgraded

    i now am a free player, havnt spend in over 4 months, and the game to me seems alot more fun now. u have to earn uri, not just click a button and there it is every week.
    but also there is nothing more frustrating that spending money, getting all the good ammo ect, and 1/ not having anyone to fight because maps are dead, or 2/ fighting someone who is blatently cheating with all there silly locking abilities and high shield/high damage configs

    So i have to disagree to this, they need to get the basics right first, get rid of the cheats, maybe bring in a map or 2 more for each company where new players can do quest ect without being able to be shot at by some UFE who pops them like strueners, and turn DO back into a GAME..not this credit card war! games are supposed to be fun, but it feels now its just full of gobby idiots and cheats who brag about how hard they hit and how nooby others are...it never used to be like that, having a 1v1 which lasted more than 10 seconds...using x3/sab and most of all skill.

    that was when it was a game..maps were full..and most of all, it was FUN
  16. Øмєga

    Øмєga User

    lol badboy .ur such a noob .I don't even have words to describe the amount of stupidity in ur posts .lf5 bo3 /hell no.and I pay for stuff to ..around 500 dollars every month..I used to spend more in 2011-2012 . but no u don't have to buy uridium and just because u pay doesn't mean u should have an advantage .let me put it this way . don't like it .stop playing and go play something that will give u an advantage just because u pay .and see how long that game lasts