News about today’s game update

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Juturna, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. Juturna

    Juturna User

    Hi Space Pilots

    We are happy to announce that the new mission system was launched today. More than 200 new challenging missions are now available and will cover player levels up to level 20. Please be aware that we have reset the rank points for all old quests to ensure a fair mission system for all, including new players who are not able to do the old missions anymore and, thus, would have a regarding disadvantage. Even though, the old system was inconsistent, meaning, that some quests did count for the ranks while others did not. From now, all regular missions will count for the rank points. Of course, you will be able to do all quests up to your level.

    In addition, we would like to let you know that we have changed the behavior of ships which are destroyed in the radiation zone. Those will not drop cargo boxes anymore. This was necessary to prevent players to be able to exploit Seprom out of such cargo boxes.

    The event calendar on the internal homepage will now show all existing game events so that you do not have to visit the forum anymore to be aware of all upcoming events.

    Furthermore, we did some visual improvements to the repair bots and the faction characters. Login to the game to see yourself.

    We wish you loads of fun with the new missions and we look forward to receiving your feedback in the game forum.

    Your DarkOrbit team
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