new maps x-9, and X-10

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ψβΙδ☣ΗαΖαRDψ, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. I was thinking of for these new maps was to set the Level Limit at level 18. The maps wold be
    • 1-9
    • 1-10
    • 1-11
    • 2-9
    And so on and the these maps would be 3 for each company that way players can enjoy them to a certain degree without enemies, i was thinking of setting the level limit to enter the other enemies maps to level 19.

    The theme for these maps would be instead of the homw maps of companies such as 2-1 and 1-1, and 3-1 it would be the Home maps of alien races such as Kristallon and Kristallin. The npcs in this map would be stronger like having more shields than normal hitting harder and have some bonus effects or abilities like our ship designs
    so ideas not fully thought out give me your opinions
  2. new maps have bin said so many times and more well planed/thought out so its a no from me
  3. They said in a podcast they were going to be adding new maps anyway. but with a little tweaking I like the idea so yes from me. I like the idea of the aliens being stronger and giving out more rewards.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  4. ++ :)
  5. I like very much about this side of your idea :)
  6. Yeah i was thinking well making them just stronger would make it kinda like gates so i was like, maybe they should have some new abilities and what not. This idea would be for everyone to build on. Wanted new maps but not another set of pirate maps xD.

    Now to start adding more ides to this. NPCS names i would think of
    • ..::{ Boss Kristallin }::.. will take the place of normal Kristallin like they are in X-7
    • ( UberKristallin ) Will take the place of Boss Kristallin like in X-6 Extremely aggressive has higher Hit rate.
    • <=< Kristallon Royal Guard >=> This is a Kristallon with 500k Hp, 650k Shields. This NPC will EMP once when it loose full sheilds and once again at 1/4 HP. Rewards:650k Credits, U.176,EP:75k, Honor:150 this npc hits for 5.5k-7.9k
    • <=< Kristalonian >=> This is the male species of the Kristallons. Being extremely Aggressive but less shielding than the Royal Guard but an outstanding amount of HP 950k, 250k sheilds. But do to this HP amount and the Diamond Formation of this ships "Proxy Cells" it has perfectly copied the ability of out Diamond Drone formation even more surprising Hell storms are 35% less effective. Faster Hit rate. 1% shields back per sec up to maximum of 3.5k, Damage:12-14k, Credits:1.1mill, uri 235, EP 95k, honor 200.
    • <::<General Loid>)::> This is the General of armed Kristallon Forces even having the honor and title given to him as Spectrum Crusher the on ship ability that works against him venom, and only a few of the drone designs will touch him, but the moth is useless. Patrolling his sector his ship is that of a UBK but it is a stunning shade of Purple glowing ghastly at its edges. HP 2.3mill sheilds 1.7mill this ship is flown by a veterin captain. *has two configs like normal ships* Attack:19k-23k sabs are 25% less effective Moth drone formation will not work on him. Deminisher ability will not work on him. credits:2.4mill, uri 2.4k,honor2.1k, EP 350k, small chance for booty key to be in cargo,

    Ok this is one set of NPCs all of these are subject to change with how you guys take this information suggest changes n this color ideas for other npcs before i would like to move on with other npcs and maps :D
  7. We make the idea, the lvls and names of the map is for BP to worry about, not us...

    I like the idea but the shields and damage and rewards are dark orbit's job not us.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 22, 2014
  8. You mean it would be devolpers job and not really of course there are plenty new ideas but we should help the out in making the ideas although yes they deiced on the final say but to what maps might look like an npc it would give them an idea of what players would want which is why we are supposed to help refine the ideas.
  9. CURVY

    CURVY User

    In my experience, just keep playing the game, every so often they will bring a new feature out that has been requested for soo many times, the more we say it the more likely it is to happen ;) I do like this idea alot and it would provide a challenge to the UFE ships amungst us, and the fe's can go in groups to take down these npcs. would certainly add variation to the game, and make room for new quests? :) +++++++

  10. You are annoying me with your stupid comments.
    There's nothing wrong about that, some people want to bring out their full idea, so these posts of yours are unnecessary.

    Making aliens "Ready for Darkorbit" makes also this section more interesting.
  11. Next maps NPCs would be the Lordakiums home map

    • ..::{ Boss Lordakium }::... These will take the place of normal Lordakiums in 2-5 same hp as regular boss lords with special abilities. sheilds reduced by 112k, "Rage" means increased hit rate and they take 15% less HP damage without shields. They also are faster but only for a short time using the skill "Rage boost" makes there ships 30% faster for 7 seconds, does not use when it runs
    • <=< Galvanized Lorddaokia>=> This is the Imperial Guard of the Emperor Lordakium. Being one of the most evil monster alive this ship captures its enemies and tortures them only keeping them alive to feed of the anguish of there prey. They are hard cookis to crack there fleshy hides absorbing laser dmg and most abilities. Same Hp as BK: 400k shields: 1.1mill DMG:6-8.5k most dmg to though shield increase is only 12% rather then 20% and lasers do 10% less damage. This ship also tries to "capture" like saboteurs it shoots a slow down pop but slowdown pods from this npc have 35% chance of "Engine systems down" you wont be able to move for 4 seconds.
    • <::<Prince Ghastly>)::> Prince Ghastly is to be married to the Kristallon Queen, Emperor what ever you wanna call the danged beasties, but this is to be stop we can NOT allow this type of alien trash to fortify them selves with stellar alliance. This npc will call other npcs to its back up it hase a call out range of 2.3k units. HP:1.7mill Shields:1.5mill DMG:14-24k rewards: Credits,2.3mill, Uri,750, EP230k,honor1.4k This npc is a hard npc it is the one who teaches the Galvanized Lordds, Moth formation only works to 7%, Venoms special does not work. Has the same ability as Diamond, and same as Crab formation. Deminisher effect is only 25% as effective. This npc would look like a black version of the Uber lordakium with a purple mist surrounding tentacles and a shocking eletric vibe around the edges.

    All numbers are subjct to change with numerous amounts of feed back.
  12. CURVY

    CURVY User

    what kind of rank points would these give? :D
  13. That i will still working on. Trying to figure out a balance points but ot being to little and not to over bearing
  14. CURVY

    CURVY User

    ahh kool, your ideas are looking good for the mean while take all the time you need :D
  15. I do like the idea of new maps and aliens with abilities similar to the different ship skins.
    I applaud the the time you have obviously given this idea with regards to the improved npc, It has brought to my mind how difficult and time consuming it once was farming kristalon, not to mention gamma gate using a pre-bio ship and that our ships have gotten far more powerful than the npc available to us.
    My main concern though is population... Too often I find myself running through empty maps looking for players to attack. I do note that the OP is primarily about npc I just think more maps could bring about a time when I see no players ships for the whole duration of my boosters.
    Having said that, end game content is limited and BP needs to keep its long term players happy as well as attracting new players to the game who will keep playing `our` game to achieve access to these new maps that you speak of.....keep brainstorming Bio Hazard, as curvy mentioned BP does introduce new content and it is players like you that give the dev team `food for thought`
  16. Omega

    Omega User

    see .this is actually a good idea .so yes from me .. players have been asking a for new maps for well over 2-3 years.. so yes
  17. Sounds nice so far, but the point is new map ideas have always been added on here lots and lots of times. I this is the most least likely for BP to consider.
  18. ANgry.mN

    ANgry.mN User

    yea We want new maps xD
  19. New maps would be good then I can make better uri
  20. Ok figured something out.
    For the X-10 map npcs
    • .::{ Boss Kristallin }::. This will reward 13 rank points.
    • ( UberKristallin ) This will reward 26 rank points.
    • <=< Kristallon Royal Guard >=> This will reward 27 rank points - note to preportion large rank pint this will have same range as UBER kristallon see above charts for npc damages.
    • <=< Kristalonian >=> This will reward 35 rank points
    • <::<General Loid>)::> Named npc. The lower your hp is when you first attack him the more rank points you receive rank points base. 65. Goliath at half hp 76 , at 1/4th hp 90
    • Vengeance at half hp 90, at 1/4 hp 95
    • citadel at half hp 65 at 300k hp 85 at 200k hp 90
    • Aegis same as Goliath.
    Last edited: May 1, 2014