I think its my time to go also ....

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Omega, Oct 16, 2014.

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  1. whoeva

    whoeva User


    On topic - I feel one of the main issues is the balance. There's too big a gap between fe and ufe and since a lot of the honest players quit we're left with a concentration of botted and/or bought/shared accounts who, since they get away with it, feel they can do what they like... "a kill's a kill" "red is dead" etc

    Sure it's just a game (it's actually a poorly disguised gambling business but shhh!) but if noobs are given a hard time and aren't able to feel they are progressing then they simply don't have fun and look for something more rewarding to do with their time. The end result is empty servers as we are seeing.

    Nobody is suggesting that it should be easy and everything should be given for free but much more should be done to reduce the amount of money/time required to catch up to where a lot of the current players have got to through getting away with violating the terms & conditions.
  2. Omega

    Omega User

    in 8 years 16 k is not that much , and I'm not saying that people should stop just because I stopped dumbass I'm saying this is why I did . not why you should . also I play lots of other games .and guess what I have 12.514 hours on my main acc . less on my small but I had plenty of acc . I just happen to be a gamer and spend a lot of time gaming .I know, shocker right ? -_-. I also have fun in real life. something that seems is to hard for you to achieve for you judging from you post 8 k hours ?
    333 Days and 8 Hours!

    I just happen to ( when I was active ) log in daily and play for a few hours on all my acc . I know the idea of seconds, adding to minutes , which add to hours , which add to days when you play on a regular basis is shocking to you , just try to comprehend it
    .for you it might be a hobby , for gamers ,gaming is a life stile , and nice on calling me an idiot without even knowing me .. yeah I'm an idiot cuz I can afford to spend money and time on games .and have fun . and actually want this game to be good . and so the company sees why its failing . yeah . I think next time you call somebody an idiot or call people idiots for playing a game they like , or having more time on their hand , you should put the mirror down .
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
  3. Dude....I know you on my server...you are one of the poster children for farming noobs. Rhetorical question.... did you get caught on the two-stage crackdown for botters? Lot of players hate multi company clan players like you cause all you do is farm noobs and cause chaos. Impossible for newer players to get better.

    Can't kill cubes if your a noob since all the UFE players hog the cubes and shoot you off.

    Noobs cant participate in Hitac since all the ufe clans hog it and shoot off the weaker players. You shot me off once Stillwrong as did other members of your multicompany clan.

    Other players are not cry babies. A lot of UFEs got there by cheating or bug-using, some of us just want to play a freaking game and be able to accomplish something without someone two-shotting us or autolocking us or hitting impossible damage...etc. When you have a gang of players like that farming weak players all day long.... no opportunity to improve.
    You got all your gear... have some honor. Guys like you are killing the game. Selfish punk multicompany clans.

    We're sick of it. That's why a lot of us quit or barely play. Had BP shown some balls and outright banned the cheats a lot of the punks wouldnt be here. BP is slow to act, waits until things are impossible and people leave. This game is dying, and people like you Stillwrong are largely responsible. I know how you play, and watch you in 5-3 endlessly bullying noobs. And damaged ones too... you cant seem to shoot someone straight up without advantages.

    When this game is dead and no one cares, you can thank yourself and your associates for killing it.
  4. Some of the guys with long hours did so automatically...enough said. Some of us like to play and over time, the hours add up. Some players in this game are retired, disable, etc and this game offers them a venue for socialization. I usually play my main when i need time to chillax and I work, socialize, raise a family and this game offers a chance to chat with friends and have a little fun etc. So who are you to judge?
    This game is also frustrating with some of the multicompany clans creating problems. People get angry, human nature. People vent, people quit.
    So try not to look down on others. Judgmental folks like you are called trolls.
  5. With all due respect, lets not make accusations of anyone whether there is evidence or not. And to be honest, seeing the behavior of some of these players in this thread is kinda why I understand omega. Folks make neg statements about omega for his reasons, but instead of folks askin for him/her to stay, they instead send him/her insults, and try to make him/her feel worse. What about some of yall get of your high horse and try to keep players like this in the game.
    Instead of people rallying behind omega to help make changes, you have players here who are internet thugs, who talk hella tough because they cannot be reached or seen. Please, grow up already seriously. Lets be more supportive of each other instead of putting each other down. Because the truth it, atleast 80% of the players feel the way omega feels. If players put just as much energy into supporting each other just as much as they put each other down, the servers would be a little better. Omega it would be a loss for any server to lose any player, whether a spender or not. Your points are well made and sooner or later, I think the players that just put you down in this thread will feel what you are feeling as well.
  6. Omega

    Omega User

    thanks mate :)
  7. Well said GHOST and thx also. You said what I was thinking.
  8. I agree with you about supporting players like omega. I have in-game experience with Stillwrong and he stands out for me as typical of the atmosphere in the game that makes it so hard for newer players -- and really anyone -- to want to stick around. Read enough of Still's posts on here and in the game, you might understand my criticism.
    I do support other players in-game, it's in forums where I get upset at specific people and their ridiculous attitudes.


    You know I've tried not to post on here anymore, since I felt like I've said what there was to say and felt like just letting everyone say bye to Omega and leave him in peace, but you just made it too hard for me not to comment anymore :).
    I have 3 EIC in my clan you get butthurt over it? lol go join grumpy on his post. If having 8,3 % of the members from a different company is to be considered the big MCC issue, then I really don't know what to tell you lol.
    I shot you off the hitac once? So what? I shot navyman like 20 times off the hitac.
    If someone complains about the daily login bonus then that person is clearly a cry baby. The old calling other people cheater topic? really? I Only know 3 people who didn't get caught botting yet and I don't know anyone who autolocks. If you believe in damage cheats I will not even argue with you about this topic anymore since that is simply BS.
    Please....I got shot down like 500 times before I even got a goliath, I was in my peanut killing sibelons in 1-4 or boxing in 4-1. I never complained about getting shot down and I got popped a lot in 2008. I had my focus on what I was planning to get and I have all of it now. If you believe shooting other people people in a PvP game is wrong and that I should let someone repair before shooting them....read below
    unlikely...I'll predict you this, you're probably going to end up playing farmerama with grumpy.


    You barely wrote about any of my solutions to your suggestions, instead almost have the text you wrote is about how much it costs to become UFE.
    Oh well, noobs already have it way easier to become UFE. They don't even need to pay for their repairs now a days.
    Referee bots have been out during the entire period of the soccer world cup on an average of every 2 or 3 days for 2 or 3 hours. I have seen people go from 2 to 10 hercules and others upgrade almost all their equipment to the max in that month.
    If you have been barely playing anyway why even bother writing all this?
    'buhu upgrade hour' ? The hour upgrade hour is purely awesome and has saved me an insane ammount of uridium. Noobs can't upgrade everything within that hour? Of course they can't!!! Normally noobs don't have 2 million uridium sitting on their ship. Most noobs have enough uridium to upgrade a few items which takes not even a few minutes.
    Back to what seems to be your favourite topic, how much does it cost to go from 0 to UFE, when I said 20 million is more then enough. I have ment to say that you can get UFE with half that ammount of uridium too.

    EDIT: Before I forget it, here just an example of what you consider the biggest lie you've ever seen (second 56)


    some of the best stuff I've red in the darkorbit forum so far.
  12. Omega

    Omega User

    you really have no idea huh ? go ahead start a new account on a populated server . and act like you don't know how to play .actually do it .and you'll see why I'm saying players should have it easier .and buhu the log in bonus . I don't need it , but every game that is doing decent . actually give something worth while .also . 4 years ago they had it pretty easy also .500 uridium to repair ? or repair bonus ? or extra hitpoint .. plus getting lf3 and bo2 was easy .getting 5 irises was easy .I did it in a week . in one month you would be full . so shut up .
  13. I just want us to feel a bit more saddened when good players leave regardless of the server. Instead of being mad at one another or insulting each other, we need to put that anger towards DO and ask for new changes. Its ok to not agree with folks on ideas, but the fact remains, we need each and everyone of of Ya'll to keep this game going. Leaving DO is like a domino effect. And I want to see the game survive via new ideas, fixes and players. I hope one day to run into all of you in the game in a server, just so I can say thanks for playing :)
  14. pecanin

    pecanin User

    They will never solve any of problems you list ...

    There are few reasons for this

    1.Chance .... the day of release of LF 4 i got 8 ...eight in less than 200 boxes ...today you need 200 + boxes (on double LF4 day) to get 1 LF 4

    2.To buy anything in this game now is utter waste of money ..why buy EMP when autolock is back ,or that same EMP is not working 50 % of time

    3.You are old player so you remember how gates were built.....look at them now and laugh

    4.Bonus Box Uridium...once upon a time i could 10 000 uridium in 4.3 with good old Phoenix...without BIO/PET or BBD ...these days i'm lucky if i make that much with BIO/BBD and Pet...this company and people that run it are very greedy.

    Was going to answer all your points but then thought ...What is the point ,all of this has been said million times by thousands of players on DO forums and it got us nowhere

    .I'm glad that i stopped spending 2 + years ago..Better to burn your money then give it to BP
  15. Omega

    Omega User

    I'm calm . cuz I don't stress over this .and they bacame shorter because there is no point in arguing with u cuz ur pretty stuck up -_-. and I've been playing for a long time I remember when I could do all you said .and guess what . it was still easier than now ..say what you want but stats show how this game went downhill and how many players it lost .
  16. Not everyone got that free Havoc including me, I cried for weeks in bed with my ice cream about it. When I send support ''feedback'', they account ban me, I can't figure out why. I need everything for free since I'm incredibly lazy, but seriously the log-in bonus does kind of suck and is more of an annoyance then anything but better then nothing I suppose. All members of the support team are evil and mean but that's just me. I'd feel like BP robbed me without a gun then I'd sue them, fail and rage. I found his suggestions to be quite amusing and a good time for me to comment with my random crap.

    @ramnik , I could come up with a host of random crap or actual reasons why server merges are evil and what else could be done to breathe light back into the game but I'm to lazy so ya.

    @GHOSTofMarz , you certainly have some better suggestions on how to revive the game that I can agree with wholeheartedly.

    I won't comment on Iron's posts but I can agree with some of them.

    @Omega , I don't really like you but if your UFE, why not stay, I'd have fun with those beastly accounts, not rage quit, I suppose I can understand some of your reasoning, why not try helping new players that happen to play your server, fun and rewarding :). Best of luck wherever you go.

    @STILLWRONG , How dare you insult the great and powerful GRUMPY! Stop bullying navyman to, he's a weak NPC farming chump.

    @mygreenday69 , Your more of an ass then me, save it kiddie because I'm the king of crying and insulting here. Thank you.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  17. Omega

    Omega User

    lol well thanks I guess ? xD I do help them . more than you would think . if it wasn't for me . most would have quit or would not have accounts . seriously .but I'm sick of bp doing what they are doing . I've listed my reasons and there are many more . anyway . thx . have and good luck
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    (BOSS)Adam[FFK] likes this.
  18. with all due respect, we spend more time attacking each other on this forum than we do supporting each other.
  19. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Truthfully, I think GHOSTofMarz summed it up tremendously well, so I'm going to leave this here:

    I will echo that and add that it is always sad to see spacepilots go, whether it can be helped or not. I hope that the opportunity might come where you, Omega, might feel things are improving and that the game might bring fun for you once again.

    That said, I am closing this to prevent further spam and flaming.
    Omega likes this.
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