[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Halloween 2014 OA:

    Greetings, Pilots!

    Drawn, spectral shadows can be seen cast throughout space, hissing voices are whispering in pilots' ears and their board instruments are going haywire. It's enough to send shivers down the spine of the bravest of adventurers.

    From October 27th until November 2nd, 2014, there is something rotten in DarkOrbit. Hair-raising NPCs, exclusive Halloween Quests and shocking events will show you what pure terror is all about.

    Expect the following for the Pumpkin Fest:

    • 4 exclusive Halloween Quests
    • Special Pumpkin Boxes with surprises inside
    • The horrifying Curcubitor is walking abroad of the maps in orbit. Destroy him and cash in on your sweet reward!
    • Ghost Boss aliens – more terror, bigger pay-offs!
    • The rare Bat Drone Formation in the shop – just what you need in the fight against the aliens
    • Level Invasion Gate with the Curcubium and Boss Curcubium
    • In defiance of the scariness your drones will not take damage during the entire event

    Buckle up, fire up your lasers and send your enemies packing! Just remember one thing - there's no crying in deep space!

    Your DarkOrbit team

    Obviously this OA is subject to change at a later date. I will post an update if it does.
    SauronL and chixonator like this.
  2. unkown

    unkown User

    Anything info about football designs coming out?
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know, sorry :(
    They tend to bring them out during international events and that's it.
  4. nice i tell them to make design for all countrys but they do not listen me i hope to listen you
    yamama likes this.
  5. yeh i agree a uk goli would look brill - get it done
    yamama likes this.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    4 offers being listed on the resources. They are currently only in German, I will post the English translations first then the German version in the code dump at the end. Nothing particularly exciting.

    Increase your power now!

    Get the best starter ship with great equipment!


    Hunting time!

    Be better, be deadly!


    It is time to get serious!

    Start your way to domination with this set of drones, get ready for action!


    It's time to destroy!

    Build a Galaxy Gate and let the full power of your guns on these aliens go!

    Just looks like they are allowing more direct purchases of things such as extra energy and drones. They are listed as targeted offers, which from memory are the ones you get when you go inactive, such as 50% off 330,000 Uridium offer.

    <item name="targeted_offer_1_title">
    <![CDATA[ Erhöhe deine Kraft jetzt! ]]>
    <item name="targeted_offer_1_description">
    Bekomme das beste starter Schiff mit großartiger Ausrüstung!
    <item name="targeted_offer_2_title">
    <![CDATA[ Jagt Zeit! ]]>
    <item name="targeted_offer_2_description">
    <![CDATA[ Sei besser, sei tödlicher! ]]>
    <item name="targeted_offer_3_title">
    <![CDATA[ Es wird Zeit Ernst zu machen! ]]>
    <item name="targeted_offer_3_description">
    Beginne deinen Weg zur Domination mit diesem Satz Drohnen, bereit für die Aktion!
    <item name="targeted_offer_4_title">
    <![CDATA[ Es ist Zeit zu vernichten! ]]>
    <item name="targeted_offer_4_description">
    Baue ein Galaxy Gate und lasse die ganze Kraft deiner Kanonen auf diese Aliens los!

    There is also a bunch of location added for targedOffers, maybe they are doing a overhaul of the system, or just re-organising things. Posting the code regardless ^^

    <location path="graphics/targetedOffers/" id="graphics_targetedOffers"/>
    <location path="graphics/targetedOffers/Background/" id="graphics_targetedOffers_Background"/>
    <location path="graphics/ui/windows/targetedOffers/" id="graphics_ui_windows_targetedOffers"/>
    SauronL likes this.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Another Turkish event announcement:

    Turkey is celebrating Republic Day with DarkOrbit!

    What better way to celebrate Turkey's Republic Day than with fireworks, games, and prizes?

    Keep a sharp eye out for Bonus Boxes colored like the Turkish flag, as they can drop fireworks (among other great prizes)! If you can't wait to set off your sparklers, fireworks will also be available for purchase in the shop.

    Best of all, you can join in Sector Control, Capture the Beacon, and Spaceball games!

    Happy Republic Day! Cheers,

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    -Corex- likes this.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Further information about the Halloween event:

    Two new achievements, I think the old achievements will be carrying over as well, so if you didn't complete them last year you can do it this year.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Destroy 900 Curcubitor-Minions

    Jack O’Lantern
    Collect 600 Pumpkin Boxes

    Both achievements give titles, which are the same as the achievement names, so Cucubinator and Jack O'Lantern.

    Seems to be it for now, there is a bunch of stuff around targetedOffers but nothing we don't already have in the game it seems - just re-organising things to allow you to buy "amazing offers" quicker, yey.
    1n9i9c7omHF and SauronL like this.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Over the last week there has been a lot of changed to test4 and test2, after watching it for a little over a week I think it's a fairly big optimization update.

    All map assets such as portals, backgrounds, asteroids, planets etc, have all been changed from .swf files and split into png, jxr and atf files, which you might think "more files, more lag right?" - well not in this case.
    The png and jxr files are considerably smaller than swf so should be quicker to load in, big map backgrounds such as 4-4 have also been split into tiles to avoid the freezes that happen when you jump into those map as it loads up.

    The other file, atf, is interesting - I barely knew anything about it so had to ask around a bit ^^ (thanks jD if you read this). It's used a lot by the starling game engine, which is refereed to a lot in the game files in relation to 3D. However, in this case it looks like it's going to be something called stage3D, which is infact 2D (in this instance) - I'll explain below.
    From memory, DarkOrbit can only make use of a computers CPU and not the GPU (graphics card), stage3D is a process that allows the power of the GPU to be used as well as the CPU, like a game you would download. So this update should increase your fps a fair amount of you GPU is much better in proportion to your CPU, or if both are just average then it will be a nice boost in performance as well.

    For those interested the picture below is of the atf file, you can see it's just 2D texturing and isn't designed for a 3D model, the "context3D" is referring to the stage3D that was mentioned above. The texture types DXT5 etc are just different types for Windows, Android and iOS, they all look the same.

    There will also be a Guy Fawkes event for those who play the UK servers - I will have the official announcement ready to post later this week I imagine.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2014
    -Corex-, Basch-Basch, SauronL and 4 others like this.
  10. great work m8 , keep it up :)
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Bonfire night event that will be on the UK servers, Official Announcement:

    Remember, Remember - to celebrate with DarkOrbit!

    What better way to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day than with fireworks, games, and prizes?
    Keep a sharp eye out for Bonus Boxes that look a little like the Union Jack, as they may drop fireworks (among other brilliant prizes)! If you can't wait to set off your sparklers, fireworks will also be available for purchase in the shop.
    Best of all, you can join in Sector Control and Spaceball!
    Stay warm in deep space on Bonfire Night!

    Your DarkOrbit team
    omg-olycat likes this.
  12. I really hope something like this is going to happen :eek: I own pretty crappy CPU but my GPU is much better, my fps would skyrocket
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah hopefully it is, there is also a line of text relation to quality settings that references the GPU:

    High quality settings not supported - GPU acceleration not available.

    This line has been around for a while though, but could very well have just been written when they had the idea ready for whenever ut was finished, and GPU acceleration is mentioned quite a bit in connection to stage3D - so it all looks promising.
    -Corex- likes this.
  14. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Having Flash Player use the GPU for surface rendering is basically the same thing i think, unless the game client goes as a standalone downloadable client not being bound by the API hooks offered by the Flex SDK.
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Which it will do, eventually, although I'm guessing the download client will be mainly for the optimization of 3D mode, since there is no doubt running the game in 3D will take more power than in 2D.
  16. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    What's CPU and GPU?
  17. SauronL

    SauronL User

    try google
  18. Cpu is you're processor and the gpu is you're graphics cards processor
  19. Silviu

    Silviu User

    CPU = Central Processing Unit (It's the brain of your computer. Examples: Intel I7, AMD Sempron)

    GPU = Graphics Processing Unit (It stands between your CPU and what is displayed on your screen. Examples: AMD Radeon HD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX)
  20. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

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