Local Events and Activity Update

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Solid_Eye, Mar 27, 2015.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Greetings, Pilots!

    Bigpoint is currently expanding to the Asian market and one of the key countries over there is Turkey. As DarkOrbit continues to grow in Turkey, our office located in Istanbul is providing extra support for further expansion, but we as a team continue to focus on the game at a global level. For the time being, we are tasked with balancing both – but our core focus is on DO as a whole.

    As our team in Istanbul provides community driven activities fitting the Turkish player’s demands, we support and watch those events, so that DO as a whole can benefit from their experience. We closely monitor the activity of our colleagues in Turkey and adapt events which have been proven as successful on Turkish instances, integrating them globally in a way that best fits our community’s preferences.

    Today we will launch a new ship design for the Vengeance on Turkish servers only. We would like you to understand that even though it will be only available on Turkish instances first, the design will be released globally at a later date. While it will be offered for real currency in Turkey, it will be provided globally as a prize of one of our upcoming ingame events and being sold afterwards as an Uridium item.

    We are aware of your concerns regarding the usage of the currently local exclusive Pusat ship design. This week’s JPA will be monitored very detailed in terms of the balancing between the used ship designs during the matches. From our point of view we believe that it is unlikely that a balancing problem will occur.

    Your DarkOrbit team
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