LoW Gate Exploit - Punishment

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Solid_Eye, Apr 23, 2015.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello everyone,

    a couple of weeks ago the DarkOrbit team made an attempt to fix one of the most annoying and long standing exploits that was bothering us and many members of the community. We changed the way the LoW Group Gate worked, so it should no longer be possible to gain severe advantages out of it. The abuse of the LoW gate was throwing off the game’s balancing so much that all our recent attempts to achieve more fairness for all players were thwarted.

    Still, some players seem to have found a bug and abused it to their advantage.

    We went through our log files and discovered that this exploit was used by a rather large number of users – many of which used it to gain a limited amount of Uridium while some others were using this exploit to an extreme that we simply cannot ignore.

    For that reason we have decided that depending on the amount of Uridium gained through this exploit we would impose different punishments:
    · Heavy exploiters – 38 players - will be permanently banned.
    · Moderate offenders – 143 players - will be suspended for 30 days.
    · Players who used the exploit to gain only a small amount of Uridium – 181 players - will be suspended for 3 days.​

    So with this we would like to remind you that any gameplay element that is not accessible in a straightforward way and would require you to do very unusual things or will give you unusually extreme benefits should be considered an exploit. And while we may turn a blind eye if you do it once, any heavy exploiting will result in permanent bans.

    We would like to thank all players who have reported this issue and would like to thank our Moderator teams for bringing this to our attention. We are all committed to improving the overall game balance and fairness of the game, so we are grateful for all reports and suggestions made that help us to achieve this.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
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