[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Toudi

    Toudi User

    Hah! Halloween this year going to be interesting !
  2. EmoShip

    EmoShip User

    If Bigpoint continues to release updates like these they will continue to revive the servers. Honestly i have see an increase (very slight increase) of new players on my server which is essentially dead. Looks good.
  3. Hi,

    Based on previous experiences (notice the s) DO will change the drone design, that come out during the Halloween event, abilities after you buy them. DO is very good at Bait and Switch so buyer beware.

    T <3
  4. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    What? That is completely untrue. The only thing they changed were the drone formations which in turn was changed on the basis of user feedback, and even then one could argue that they were changed for the better. (X got better, Dome got better, Ring wasn't nerfed as much as people make out to be).

    Please enlighten us to all these previous experiences of 'bait and switch' that have occurred.
    Enchantadorea and SauronL like this.
  5. Sorry MяF but the 'Bait and Switch' has been in DO's arsenal for many years lol. It's one of the reasons
    BP/DO has such a bad reputation also why the game struggles to win back old players and retain new ones.
    All the players that have played for awhile know that based on previous experiences (notice the s):) For the
    sake of hindering any progress the game has made in the last month or so I won't name any. I have also
    noticed a few extra newbies around the maps.:cool:And no i didn't pop a single one of them:)
  6. EmoShip

    EmoShip User

    @Ddraig you think we will get a sneak peak of ONE of the drones soon? ;)
  7. Wow PET rewards have been increased.. I think I love you now BP if this is not a bug, thank you, this is how it should have been from the beginning. I guess it is time for premium for the first time in months :D
  8. RickDekard

    RickDekard User Team DarkOrbit Team Darkorbit

    I notice these comments from time to time, and I'd like to make a small note in this area - while the game has a long history, and many of you have been playing for a majority (if not all) of that time, some of us have joined the team much more recently.

    As with any "live" game, things change over time: team members, priorities, philosophy, etc.

    Our goal at this time is pretty straightforward: to provide you with the best possible experience & service, while maintaining the health of the game. Sometimes we'll miss something, come up short, or make unpopular decisions, but the goal remains the same.

    Thanks! The team has pushed hard this year to make a lot of improvements (some visible, some not), and get more content out. We have more in store for 2015, and no plans to slow down in 2016.

    There's a lot more work to do on many fronts, but it's something we're working on daily both within the team and with other departments.

    You're welcome! It's not a bug.

    (but we will be watching to make sure the balance is healthy)
  9. -AdamantiumDragon- and 2010!! like this.
  10. RickDekard

    RickDekard User Team DarkOrbit Team Darkorbit

    Yep, we've read it and several points made in it are very in line with changes and improvements we hope to make in the not too distant future.

    Some of this alluded to in "Newbies and Economy Changes" portion of the last Producers Dialogue we posted.

  11. Realy "Attack of the killer P.E.Ts" event amazing....Less time,more uridium,more fun ! Thank DarkOrbit Team.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Halloween drone design images





  13. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Thats all very nice! I wish, they would also add once lance formation instead of new items. atleast for a day or so.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
  14. These designs look sweet.If DO can allow me to have 10 different ships with completely different configs between formations, drone designs ect...I will be very happy ;)

    I am also pleased with the changes DO has made this year.My expectations for the team is that yall can always get better while my only issue atm is with UBA, I noticed players are placed in corners rather than near center of map makes for a more real 1v1 starting with grabbing lock first.
  15. EmoShip

    EmoShip User

    @RickDekard i know you guys are busy and all. But ibrather you guys make sure this event is bug free than releasing it early with bugs.

    For example make sure no one can glitch the designs. Last thing i want is fight someone getting havoc, herc and demon bonuses all at thw same time.

    You may have done this but rather you guys release it later than earlier
    RickDekard likes this.
  16. Toudi

    Toudi User

    OMG big PROPS to Darkorbit Designer for making those drones. They look sweet as hell =)
  17. ΉӨMΣЯ

    ΉӨMΣЯ User

    i know it's almost done and, maybe my opinion doesn't matter but,.. i will suggest to change the colors of the new designs why? because when u have drones turned off u could see the drones in red or blue and u wont know if them are havoc, herc or bat.. it could be confusing, i think
    just my opinion, cheers
  18. not like my opinion matters either sense there getting rid of Canadian money but i think you are right ^^
  19. Oh man, time runs too slow. Can't wait all these cool stuff at incoming weeks. o_O
    And I too want to thank you Darkorbit for changing pet rewards. If this keeps up I really can start to recommending this game to people I know. :D

    I would say, that it's healthier if players get more uridium, and for balance get more cool stuff to buy. ;) But that's only my opinion. Time will show. :)
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