[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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    i hope thats a joke dont want them back :mad:
  2. Indeed there seems to be a huge rise in cheats once again, from what friends in game are telling me it would seem that some players are once again able to inject code into data traffic in order to manipulate the game, this should be easy to detect and I only say this as what has been described to me is only possible by data manipulation in my opinion.

    For now we have to just sit on our hands while its dealt with I guess though this is obviously less than satisfactory for users.
  3. -»orfa«-

    -»orfa«- User

    Not sure how effective DO is at catching these new cheats as there is on guy on my server (and I'm sure that there are on your as well) who has been using a certain program ever since the PET event and he is still doing so. If DO want the name I can provide it and they can look at his log history.

    Please do not let the cheats return in the numbers like before or I for one will be off.
  4. I'm so sick of the cheating there is something def going on and I am FED UP with it after 5 years.
    I hate the game I'm quitting for the last time.
    i'm not even going to waste my time talking about the cheats, they are there, they stink, I hate this game.
    Dead server, lots of cheats, I hate this game.
    My hundred+ bucks a month is gone. Bye.

    wow i was mad that day, lol. I've spent a lot on this game and will stick around, the spending is coming to an end though.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  5. max~C

    max~C User

    after darkorbit clean bot user and now just auto lock user many top user using auto lock
    Blue~Lazer and ßőŋεѕ like this.
  6. When a UFE (LF4, B02, 10 drones, Bio)all max out Lvl 16 gear and bio set for Max DMG Max Shields the only thing thats left is config: in this game if you run all shields you loose fire power if you run max fire power you loose shields/speed i say all of that to say this
    When a UFE player gets 1 fig in a fight thats cheating
    When you get pop by and ageis that is cubing while you are hunting using all elite ammo (ageis didnt use rep pod fight last less than 8 sec) thats cheating
    When a person respawn and get lock on your cloak ship sitting among 8-10 npc before the 3 protection is wears off that is cheating
    When a person gets your lock during crazy cubes and you cloak and emp and he still lock you before you can get away thats cheating
    when you jump port in you own map and the enemy start shooting you while you at port thats cheating
    when a player rolls up and start pop 5 cloak ships in less than 2 minutes going from ship to ship withouting searching thats cheating
    there is skill but when you encounter a certian kind of dominance you can clearly see that cheats are working
  7. Nice list KillerCal73
    & yes I have run into these mentioned above... kind of makes you question why you even play this game


    hi have to agree dont think they have a script to catch auto lock only botters:)
  9. When you pop and spawn on that same map, you may still be locked. Happens a lot, it's a glitch not a cheat.
    I'm ufe and there are some ufes that seem to be doing things they are not supposed to be able to do.
    I have been locked while cloaked in a swarm of prots... no one is that good, sorry


    rubbish wot ime trying to say is crazy cube for ex.doing the 25 cubes quest and 2000 prots so there is loads going on keep one eye open so i kammi lo on health rush back to port .then i see a red dot come straight at me locked emped still red dot all over me not going to say name but a vru clan regards gb1 server
  11. I just get pop during CC just this pass week same thing i get uncloak on i cloak up and EMP in the middle of prots and i was still lock and killed nevertheless i book mark his profile and called it a night
  12. Ok i'm sick of Darkorbit not being Able to do anything about bots So I will tell you how to go about getting rid of some #1 Pixel bots SO what you Need Is Live random changes = boxes they need to change shape size color and make it random every 20 min the makers wont be able to keep up they will quit same with pally you can even add numbers to them it will confuse there bots poof pixel bots gone that simple packet bots you need to make your own darkorbit web based browser where you have control and only that browser can login and play the game make it where nothing can connect or change on it be a small client download you would have way more control over everything and really code the thing where no one can mess wit it = packet bots / auto lock / poof Gone then Games Fair again
  13. the game just dont work for us fare players too many bugs and glichs there is just to much to list ...on wt s not working right they need a reset on how things are working . ships are gliched on all counts the value of upgrade dont load or hot key stop working in middle of a fight, emps dont work, battle stations dont shoot the em. click on a red em and fire and you loc changes to someone in your group your damage gets bounced back on your ship (rockets and lazer damage ) there not cheats soomuch as the game is not working right.....fix the bugs DO..and the bad lag only when a certan player shoots on you poet lag is back real bad when jumping before you say clean this and that ive been playing for 8 yrs its not my pc or ip... its this game cant load things on the map right
  14. i have 50 players in my clan that will stop spending money on this game till its work like it was made too to many thing that r not right about the why some players cant be killed 5 ubfe ships to kill one and it takes 3 min too do it no money for DO the game has been hackED to peaces
    no prem
    no reabait
    no xlddE
    no nothing will i buy ever again
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  15. Term2050

    Term2050 User

    I hurl rocks at the center
  16. gumby

    gumby User

    This Would work ^^ Also for Pally Bots you could Put An Active Port Right in the middle of the Darn Pally field Real players would Avoid it bots would Be sent Back to there home maps And glitch Out But Darkorbit Needs Better Devs An Admins to really Get rid of cheats ^^
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015


    sounds good to me :)
  18. I am really so sick of these cheat programs, do some research, its not so hard to see what these players are doing, auto lock, instant lock after emp, group attack on 1 target, rsb changers, show cloak enemy and much much more,,,
    and we must be content with this?????
    how is it not stopped???
  19. gumby

    gumby User

    I will say it like this straight up If darkorbit Devs wanted them gone they would Be Who Else Has Access to there Code Besides The Makers oO
    uberpaul and _-DarkOverLord-_ like this.
  20. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    This is getting beyond a joke now with these backgrounds, I pay to play and have just wasted a whole weeks worth of Rebate/Doubler + I'm on Premium! Why are we the paying customer the ones that pay your wages, the ones that keep the darn game up and running, why are we the paying customer suffering again? and all because of some scumbag "Clique" on GB1 ???
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