[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    Is there an update on when the rest of the new ships / designs will be put out. Some of the ships that show on the home page aren't available in the shop?
  2. Although this design has no added advantage, it is still difficult to find players supporting the american flag on their ship. It does not give any bonus and is only decorative.
  3. You might check the information on the G-Champion as it does have stats now. It is 5% dmg and 10% honor, as seen in the Hangar.
  4. The day the G-Champion bonuses apply to the US flag design is the day I put my surgeon away for awhile:D.

    And has anybody spotted more information on the Tartarus?
  5. Put it away and start flying the G-Champion. If you own the Independence you have it already.
  6. I`m just gonna sit here a scratch my head on this one.
  7. I was referencing to the original 'Independence' design...Yeah, I agree a headscratcher - if you have the original did your stat-line increase?
  8. Thought you were going to dump the Surgeon, LOL, why not be my devil's advocate and prove the changes have (not) been applied yet.
    With the NEW Hangar the only way to use the Independence Design (A Skin) is with the G-Champion as this is the Stat Design the Skin does nothing except change the display (looks) of it. Supposedly, both the Independence and Turkish Hezarfen have been assigned to be used with this Ship Design and I can not see them making a change to this ship in just over a week when the Championship Tournament starts.
  9. Information from the




    The shield will be decreased by 10% per second.
  10. I guess I am gonna need help from you ;) In the future when this starts to apply :cool:

    Also this is wrong when you apply this across the the board with the originals...so confusing :oops:
  11. Do you currently own the Independence Skin? If you do you should already have the G-Champion Ship.
  12. I have the Independence design, and because of that I now have the G-Champion which sadly as "HelpMeHelpYou" stated the bonuses are not applied to the Independence (yet). Either they will do that later, simply forgot too or didn`t get too it because of bugs they are currently fixing.

    But in detail going to a flag design in the new hangar is just like swapping from sentinel to purple sentinel or Elite citadel to frost citadel.(There is a drop down menu above the info on the right.)
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Flag designs 2d view - will try and sort out some 3d previews for all of them over the weekend:

    Have to split the posts in two due to image numbers.

    *Amitié* likes this.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    *Amitié* likes this.
  15. No - I don't have the design - let's type about this after July 4th - thanks for your assistance - there are other Independent() in their respective Countries :cool:
  16. I would buy it, but if not for my country i wont wear other country flag. :D
  17. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    Just to be clear, do they or don't they offer an advantage for example for to PVP?
  18. Hi :)

    Champion drone design (just cosmetic):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    With the G-Champion G-Champion (France :D)

  19. They look awesome i might have to get them :/
  20. The football drones look so cute <3
    An idea: If the drones are popped, you should hear the sound of bursting balls.
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