Permafrost Fissure Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Jan 23, 2017.

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  1. The problem with this gate is, if you dont buy the boosters, I dont think you gonna get too many proxium, I finish the gate and I didnt get any proxium...
  2. In your X-1 map
  3. .sia.

    .sia. User

    my 7 Proximus and boost 1 end 7-25 haors.? and 53 dey ? 0 lf4

    Darkorbit has too many players boots. Many are beginners and have even all the havoc iris SII Putin and LF4 HOURS. . players boots. I confirm that I have a large player in my company it was pounding on a player of the highest rank a big star symbol. MMO map is full of boots 26/02/2017, an SVS attack with damage Acol 7,000 damage. And only about a 1 player gave the defender the enemy that attacks you. When you banned many players banned while mia Miata 2 accounts for pusing and did not know why, dca other reason can not find till now, this reason did not want to vrun bag ban in jocu this. I would like to make a way of blocking damage after 8 kiluri same day to all the players who attacked voucher same player. Damage up to 80 percent for players who are under Leval how not attack its opponent as eight. Trebor and after an hour it cedes a program that nuti hours longer yield allowed to do anything, if not in imafine stri you see or what you give that message to write. Do not like finding out your password to DarkOrbit. Do not want to be banned other players who play honestly as you have 2 accounts facuto me and I was given no reason. I met many players who put money Bolos boots. Even if you do not need it in fell in jumping play fair.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  4. =Richie=

    =Richie= User

    how do you get the gate and where does it appear?
  5. OK did the gate for 5 hrs and only got 7 proxium, thousands of Hstrm-01 and 30k x4 which were just spent in killing the NPCs, around 20620 uri (I craft the 3 fragments and got the free 1 fragment from calendar so I don't spent 15k uri to buy the 3 fragments, though 1k uri is still needed + the fragment to build the CPU), 1 hr of chance and drop booster after completing the gate though it make me consume 300k sep lasers and I think without using x3 or even x4 ammo it will take me longer to complete it especially with those UFO with millions of HP. Of course this gate needs a decent FE or decent near to FE account with decent gameplay strategy. It might also be good if this type of gate has an easy-hard version same as the Cold Wave gate. For a good UFE player this gate might only takes lees an hour to complete.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2017
    theOtherKey likes this.
  6. i have the quest open to destroy ufo have done so and quest is not completing anyone having this same issue?
  7. this gate only realy waste of time, money and whites

    map 10 reward from ufo
    You received 246,666 EP.
    You received 25,440 honor points.
    You received 222,222 Credits.
    You received 2,222 Uridium.
    Subglacial Fissure - Wave 152
    You received 500 CBR rockets.

    lol 500 cbr rockets

    buyed 2 times ultra booster package
    wasted 100 k whites and sep
    got from the 10 maps 7 times from ufonites 1500 rocket sorts
    map 6 got 8 k rsb , 1 map i got10 k whites and last map then again waste 500 cbr rockets

    realy do do you mean that and the worst thing stil nobody can build unstable lf4 you need for it 120 proxium
    and 1 Quadrotrin
    with my boosters got only 100 proxium and zero Quadrotrin lol how many gates we need to build 1 time that crap unstable lf4 what even is not better then normal lf4
    wenn you shoot 10 times with it and 4 times you missing and 1 time it hits max then the normal lf4 much better

    but ohw yeah i now DO gives only real things wen we need to pay much Euro or Dollars for it

    waste gates , think better to make the game better then watse your time to build crap gates, we can not see any gates anymore
    fix the game that more players there, thats more important then al that chips what BP makes brbrbbrbrb
  8. ChaosAgent

    ChaosAgent User

    So if you get the Proxium doubler and advantage for 4 hours, is that 4 hours from when purchased or four hours of play time? Anyone know?

  9. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    This event is a major fail and a contradiction to the information given in the twitch stream 17.
    The idea was supposed to give the lower levels a chance of getting unstable LF4's to add a bit more balance to the game and taking part in some PVP, the event missions are stated as being level 6 + but unless you are UFE or near UFE the chances of completion are at the best very slim.
    You only get 2 lives unless you add more CPU's and unless you have a large amount of special ores availabe this will cost a total of 21k URI.
    The gate itself is a non starter unless you are a minimum of FE and there needs to be some dramatic changes.
    The following changes need to be made to make the gate viable for all players of level 6 +.
    1. Remove the freeze rockets from the Saboteur's
    2. Replace the Strueuner Rocketeer's with Strunener soldiers.
    3. Increase the drop rates for Special ores.
    4. Increase the lives to 3 as in the normal GG's with a buy life option.
    The mix of multiple Saboteur's and rocketeer's together on the map for players with out level 3 Kami is virtual suicide.
    This hybrid Kuiper style gate is a major step backwards.
    It is time to start listening to feedback and stop over thinking new ideas, keep things simple as simple ideas have allways proved to work out best.

  10. wen that was the idea then they need also change the npc`s like uberlordakain, uberdev and ubersibs other wise the low lvl players pop right away, and then wen it was a idea for make little players better then open the gate from lvl 6 to end lvl 18, then lvl 19 and higher don`t get in anymore.
    let them then also buy extra lives with credits instead with uri, so they have then a good change also wen they gonna die many times.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  11. west-star

    west-star User

    doublerbooster is NOT working !!
    [MAC]**KILLMORE** likes this.
  12. The boosters run game time but heads up they run game time so if not in gate but still in game boosters are running, so i bought 1 of them yesterday and was enough time to do the gate twice. So doing the gate twice i got 118/120 proxium. :) enjoy am off to do the gate a couple more times. What i need to know is how do we get the second third and fourth tier equipment?
  13. Well for the first time in about 5months I decided to have a play about on the game, I built the gate did the first 6 levels and realised why it has been so long.

    Killing the same npc over and over again, boring...
    The chance of getting the reward I want, boring...
    What is the point in the ufo npc? I literally just sat my ship still, used x2 and sab occasionally, didn't move from the spot until it ran. Where is the fun in beating it, it is just a waste of time and ammo. Boring...

    The recipes for 500gg energy, 40k rsb look great to the naked eye, but because of chance I know I have no desire to try and complete them. The rewards for the quests are rubbish, try upping the amount of uri, 500 for the one where you kill the ufo is just a slap in the face.

    This game involves chance far too much, chance this, chance that. Oh you finally got so far, here is more chance. Just give straight costs for items and make the price reasonable. Also what is the point in the unstable lf4? People would be better spending their time cubing and buying booty keys.

    This game was the most fun when it was simplistic, I'd do gates to get x4, then I'd go out hunting all week. Mega comes around again, I'd do gates then hunt all week. Those were the fun times, this chance and waiting for building etc is just rubbish. There is a reason I haven't put money into this game for a long time, once you lot figure out why and fix it, I'll happily start spending again. Until then, I can't even be bothered logging in for the daily bonus.
  14. I'm not UFE, and right now I could not to go beyond fifth wave without going bankrupt(munitions), I'm not going to buy new boosters, so doing two calculations if I plan to open the portal I need 21k uridium, and being able to get only the fifth wave, with a little luck i might find 15 proxium with whom i could assemble 20 keys.

    • 20 keys == (with 15% discount) -> 25.500 U.
    • 20 keys from this gates == 21.000 U. + LOT of x4

    Honestly did not worth it.

    If I wanted to try to assemble 500 ee after the 20 keys , I will need:

    • 500 ee == (with 15% week-end discount) -> 42.500 U.
    • 500 ee from this gates == other two portals in addition to the previous -> 42.000 U. + LOT of x4

    Again it is not worth it.

    There is also the question that my estimates of the proxium are very overestimated because an AVERAGE of one in ten UFONIT give proxium and a UFO in four give proxium.
    If it is hard for me to get to the 5 wave, you can imagine how difficult it is to collect resources to assemble the fragments -.-

    This obviously applies to my situation, but I have to thank you because you made me realize that in any case I do not have to spend money in this game, because otherwise one day you could put an event like this where you thought to entertain only a small portion of players of which I am no part.
  15. west-star

    west-star User

    anybody else figured out that the boosters dont work ...
  16. moe2

    moe2 User

    You have to understand, the drop booster only gives you a 25% increase in chance of the npcs dropping proxium. When they drop proxium, the doubler will double the amount of proxium. Example, my drop from Ufonits was doubled from 7 to 14. f you don't get a drop, you get nothing. Also, the 4 hrs of booster aren't enough time for weaker players to kill this many npcs and especially with the shielding of the UFOs.
    The gate started out to be FE and lower friendly but with getting frozen and jumped by tougher and tougher npcs, it rapidly becomes too much for low level players.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  17. Far to low a rewards output for the tiered items required to end up being able to craft a weapon that doesn't seem very reliable. A lot of actual waves for the maps involved. 10 maps; 151 waves; total of 782 npc's.
    I do not have enough cash coming in to buy the parts to build the gates (and lives because the saboteurs in map 8 slow my tartarus down so much that the saimons pop me before even kami kicks in).
    Calculates out to be 15 glacial gates to get 200 proximus... sorry, can't do it.

    Why not just sell the original dang LF-4 for either uridium or ask for a cash donation?
    theOtherKey and ÐΣŁÞŖãĐØ like this.
  18. i watched the twitch stream and i REALY like this idea , i try to look at the bigger picture for what this new LF4 wil be capable of doing in the near future so yea this a REALY good update DO ( i hope uwil reply to my feed back)', i like how u guys make us make use of the essembly , i realy like the essembly , keeps me busy.

    u said this will help noobs and new players build......wel the gate is WAAAYY to hard for a noob/new player , i kno cuz i am in the middle of the gate, and im a decent 9 droner full havoc ship with 15 lf4's. its just time consuming and to much new player wont be able to do this gate
    1. ur scrap drop rate is TO LOW for us to craft the fragments
    2. the drop rate for proxium is a LIE , cbr rockets are 12% , x4 is 35%, and proxium is 20% uber rocket are in 20% to, but i stil got cbr rockets that have lowest % droprate
    3. the gate is TO HARD
    4. u need to do TO MUCH before u can be abl to craft the U-LF4, id rather just craft booty and spins but even that is to hard cuz proxium is just not dropping.
    5. i realy do like the ammo drops i realy do BUT the ammo drops come more often then the proxium, i think im just going to do this gate to refil my ammo , the whle point of this gate actualy is to get proxium not ammo.
    6. the new booster can only be bougth with real $ so this doesnt make this game any lesser from being a pay to win game . so mission failed at that DO

    this event is a resly nice event and i i realy rely realy like it ,BUT i needs some work , u guys just made this event into a UFE only vent LMAO and even the UFE players would rather do something else. DO something about the gate its just to HARD and let people be able to buy the boosters n shop to cuz its not fair that u can only buy it wth real money thats another shot to head of the noobs.
  19. Giving my opinion on the gate:

    The Permafrost fissure gate is too hard even for an FE, most players on the server are either FE or a little stronger than that but they cant still finish it without spending x4 or rsb and consuming their time inside the gate.

    It has a lot of waves, some of it got ubers, and i forgot to mention it spawns aliens simultaneously per stage of waves mentioned in the forums of the event posted.

    The gate only rewards the player a 1hr booster of some sort after the gate and then a random booster is rolled out as a 2nd reward, the percentage of receiving another 1hr booster is too low, so some people who wanted to get their hands on that 40k rsb spends a little money to buy the booster on payment page then tries to finish the gate as many times as possible within the duration of the booster purchased, the thing is you waste resources to get something valuable (for Ultra Elites, its nothing, for people who doesnt use money to boost their ship, its really hard and needs a lot of work and patience)

    The UFO is too tough, adding it up some waves have ubers with them, why bother doing this if the UFO is already tough? do the developers really wanted for us to get the unstable lf4 in our hands or they just put it up exclusively for strong players? or people willing to pay for the boosters?

    Launching an event like this should be player friendly, all non-cashing or cashing players should be able to enjoy the game either they are noob or an Elite.

    The event is great in reward because it gives the players a chance to get their hands on the unstable lf4 that is 2nd best to the regular lf4 but its even harder to get than picking a booty, and getting a small chance on getting the regular lf4 which is much better!

    40k rsb to craft in assembly is good, the 500 extra energy spin in assembly is good only when the player can finish up a gate withing 1 hour, spends less time getting the energy in palladium field or cubing (depending on chance getting the proxium)

    for me, its really a waste of time and resource, tried only using x1, took me 2 hours to get to the 40th wave, then i finsiehd the gate after 6 hours and thats when i used some of my x4 and put up sep and im even single boosted but only got 8 lf4s and an apis at that time and used an aegis.

    no more stupid events like this if you want players to enjoy the game or you just wanted profit for yourselves, people already paid much to satisfy you, what more would you want developers?

    Last edited by moderator: Jan 25, 2017
    theOtherKey likes this.
  20. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    this event is a waist of time ,new gate is rubbish there's no way to get the things you need to craft anything I'm sick of the chance on darkorbit now its just pure greed an people who don't play the game have no understanding of it ,,its just a pure money uridium and ammo sink with a chance again the new lf4s even if you could build them are rubbish no as good as normal LF4s I for 1 will not be doing this gate or even as its just a waist ,,how can an event like this be to help noob players or even FE players like what darkorbit said it was ..just pure lies lies lies yet again time after time .The only way to bring back old players and help new players is to just drop LF4s on the market to buy this chance as got to stop Just put LF4s on the market to buy with uridium and stop trying to rip everyone off at this rate there will be only 2 people playing on each server
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