[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Games like this are meant to be farmed, I thoroughly enjoyed farming, spending occasionally when I could (mostly premium) and just playing the game, however long it took, i usually got pretty far and put my skills to use and still dominated in the maps. The bot problem is huge on this game, and so are the bugs that ruined it and it's servers. DarkOrbit needs to become downloadable to remove the chance of cheats. But considering how the cheats come out is another story.
    neoonoma and MyBigi like this.
  2. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Something must be done about bots,either make the game downloadable or make it so we have to type a captcha code or something in order to login or just update the anti-bot system,GE1 is full of npc zombies it's so frustrating to play while you see a hundred zombies having the program do all the work for them.
    OILDAILY likes this.
  3. batata

    batata User

    Do something about bots? Erm... u know there are far more bots than "legit" players dont u? Besides even if they made the game lag like crazy with antybot scripts people would always find ways to bypass the system (even with client) that being said it would be far more efective to just fix the reasons why people bot.

    But why do u care about them anyway? Bots make no one quit nor do they break gameplay, i think bots are the least of DO problems right now: flash dying, no matching system, paytowin, lag,... bots are nothing compared to those.

    As a side note, they have good systems to detect who is botting but imagine they banned all those payers... i mean players :rolleyes: ... the game population would just be cuted in half without any advantage in return.
  4. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    1)I just started playing seriously on my GE1 account and i was thinking of buying all of my hercs to avoid the hassle of doing kappas but is there really any point if i pay for my hercs when there are 40 zombies at the lower maps farming uridium?Yes i stopped playing GE1 temporarily because there is no point in playing and doing something as boring as farming (it's boring imo) when a botter has the bot do all the work for him.It's offensive,i am basically being told:"you idiot,you waste your time farming by sitting behind the pc when the other dude has the bot do all the work for him".
    2)So a bot is part of the game population?Isn't a bot just a robot which doesn't think and isn't as unpredictable as an actual player?
  5. batata

    batata User

    "doing something as boring as farming (it's boring imo)"
    Exactly, that is my point why the heck must it be boring? (to make o pay? srsly?)

    "you idiot,you waste your time farming by sitting behind the pc when the other dude has the bot do all the work for him"
    How do respect man but if u think that is boring like hell why do u do it? This is a game it is suposed to be enjoyable, if it isnt then what is the point in playing it?

    "So a bot is part of the game population?Isn't a bot just a robot which doesn't think and isn't as unpredictable as an actual player?"
    Lets get serious here, do u think it is aceptable the time it takes colecting to get somewere? Should u dont pay or use bot u will become a bot yourself, that being said if i wanted to get ufe i would just use a bot rather than become a bot myself, this game is not my life and im not in the mode to spend 3k hours doing things a pc program can do with ease just to (potencialy) have fun in the end.
  6. The whole purpose of the GAME is to enjoy doing something while enjoying it with friends. Grinding/farming was always more fun in the early days of D O as we had something that was achievable in a fairly quick time and then we could HUNT with the BIG BOYS. Now the game is all about GATES and so we have fewer people in the maps and the BOTS are more visible. YES the populations are down and D O has selected to ignore some of the bots that we know are being used. The ones I want removed are the Boxing, GOD, Auto-Locker Bots, but these are not easily proven with the new Formations that can be used and easily changed to increase players life in a fight. The reason the Boxing Bot is the most removed Bot is it directly affects D O's pocket, players using this do not buy Uridium they STEAL it. The NPC or PvP Bots are only offensive to the other players and as such do not get enough attention from D O as stated by batata they are players using cheats to GAIN RANK and do not affect cash flow as they are BUYING Uridium to build gates to get free ammo to use to kill other players who do not spend on the game and eventually do quit D O. This has become a game for MONEY instead of PLAYERS and is why the POPULATIONS have dropped and D O is having to drop servers. When they became a game where the top player was the person who did the most GATES is when they became a MONEY game instead of a playability/enjoyment game. It is also when the reporting the KNOWN CHEATERS was useless as D O decided the WHINERS were not spending money on the game and did not need to be listened to.
  7. I second the motion that is correct the one who complain mostly the one who didn't spend money on dark orbit... What can you expect free always?..What about the expenses in running the servers? The salary of the programmers? They are also human that need to feed their stomach and pocket for their needs.. Don't expect too much there is difference to those who spend a bit of money as compared to all free player.
    recursos☺☺ likes this.
  8. It's always a cat and mouse game, no game is 100% cheat free. So just enjoy life
  9. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    I don't think there is such a hack that allows you to go into god-mode and be invincible all the time but the bots i want removed the most are the NPC bots and auction bots.Secondly:do your job to give you my money.If they really think the whiners are the ones that don't need to be listened to they are severely mistaken.If they don't think so then that's good.
    Don't just say the ones who whine the most are the free players because i know people who pay and still whine more than the F2Ps.I still whine a lot in order to remind DO how annoying and offensive it is to see bots on the maps,not just for the sake of whining or wanting to revive this thread.Those who spend only a bit of money usually pay only premium,rebate and boxing doubler(in order to make more by using bot -.-) which are already huge advantages to begin with.
    recursos☺☺ likes this.
  10. I stand corrected bro...on the other side perhaps they are....
    recursos☺☺ likes this.



    I have never written a forum post yet, but what made me write this is that you think everyone who shoots aliens or collects a box uses a program that no one can stop and can not stop it because it just does not exist,I think these are people who play this game as they like it, I like to pick up a box or shoot aliens rather than do portals all the time to get a rank I do not care about the rank and how many players I have to shoot TodayI do not want to be number one in a video game and do what I do because I like it so it's the meaning of the word game to do the thing that gives you pleasure for that if you see some like me that does not mean I'm a cheater , I have what I have with a lot of hard work not because I have no money but because I want to play like that
    OILDAILY likes this.
  12. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Yes it does exist,almost anyone who doesn't cube uses a bot,whether it is a boxing or npc bot.
  13. Twotam1

    Twotam1 User

    I feel like bot when farming, but I don't cube and I don't use a bot.

    8808 (Farmer)
  14. Hi Guys
    I've been a player for such a long time now and feel that this subject has never really been solved. As a player i feel cheated by those who bot or use scripts as ...no matter what it counts against me and my ranking when they do. I wish there was a way that those who are honest were able to tell someone when it was happening ...we do know what we are looking for now ... perhaps a server specific person who we could inform ...someone familiar with the specific server...Another issue is when in chat ...the players who do cheat taunt the legit players ...honestly ...that is infuriating and guys ..that just won't do ...you need to stop that .. Also why are they cheats drones protected ...we used to be able to make them lose them ....this is not singling out the weak...this is justice in a way for not being at your pc when your cheating ....a small weapon almost for the good guys at least ...but a little satisfaction non the less... All we get told is if you shoot them our programmes cant pick them up....guys ...if your players ...you know who's cheating and who is chat banned etc
    I hope this is not taken as a rant and just fobbed off with the old we'll do what we can stuff....guys reinstate the losing of drones if nothing else for the time being ....it will help...believe me

    Kind regards

  15. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    1)Isn't this why the CManagers exist for?
    2)Being irritated by someone is a personal problem(yes it is a personal problem) because if you didn't care you wouldn't get annoyed(tip:tell to yourself that they will receive "judgement" one day....).Oh and people won't stop being a [removed] because people at internet are basically anonymous so there is no social risk if they are being rude to someone.
    3)But making it so people will be able to lose their drones when they cheat means that people will pop them,and as you said the system won't be able to catch them and as as a result ban them.
  16. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    I'm not sure where this idea of people not losing their drones came into question? Should you be popping anyone countless times over? Nope. Doesn't mean anyone's drones aren't vulnerable.

    Community Managers are not solely responsible for dealing with cheating; just because you say someone is cheating doesn't mean they're going to go ban them. DarkOrbit is required to obtain certain evidence, and that means that the community managers are more likely to be working on how best to obtain that rather than pretending they can manually scope out every cheat across every map & server.

  17. skeith

    skeith User

    Well, first of all sorry for my english because i am spanish.

    -Which kind of bots are currently on game?
    • Macro: Maybe this is the most common in pvp maps. Users which are always flying arround letting the pet collect bonus boxes.
    • Pixel-bot: The same as the macro but it also collect boxes, palladium, repair ship and so on.
    • Packet bot: If you see a player killing aliens this is maybe the kind of bot he is using. Pixel-bots search for images on the screen. Packet bots comunicates directly with the game client so it knows exactly where a bonus box is located, where is an aliens and its hp, shield and so on. Packet bots are maybe the best kind of bots as they have almost no bugs and their performance is really good.
    I've read that bots uses bugs in order to kill aliens. That is not correct. In the case of pixel-bots they search a image which identifies the alien, for example the red name. Once its located it obtain the screen coordinates and clicks and shot it. On the other hand packet bots just ask the client where is the alien and kills it.

    -Bigpoint is really trying to catch bot users? YES, i can guarantee it by a 100%

    -It is easy to catch bot users? No, as most of you know they have to have proofs. We all can know who is using a external program and who is not, but they can't ban a bot user manually. Their anti-bot system has to catch you in order to collect the necessary proofs. At the moment, even if they are not posting the number of bans, they are banning people for bot usage.

    -Make the game downloadable will solve this problem? No unless they change their terms and conditions applying VAC systems or similar, which is also not a solution.

    -Is a captcha system a solution? No, as the most part of the bots will solve them really easy (you can ask a external website to solve the captcha for you). In case this is implemented it can stop the macros and some pixel bots

    -Bigpoint earn money from bot users? Yes, most bot users buy doubler, premium and rebate. If someone says the opposite its just a lie. But in my opinion they are trying to stop bots even if they lose that money, so rumors about "they don't ban users because they lose money" in my opinion are not correct.

    -Why the bot users are not losing their drones?
    The answer is quite simple. The bots are able to repair automatically the drones when they have X % of damage. This does not mean that their drones are cheated. It is just that the bot checks them after each destruction. To this you can also add the drone repair cpu. The auto drone repair feature is not included on all bots, but there is also a max number of deads features which also avoid this.

    -About damage exploits, hero modes and similar things, it really exist? I doubt it, i really doubt it. If someone kills you he is maybe a better player. Don't call him cheater

    -About autoclick, anticloak, these programs exist? Yes, but they are not very popular as the current programs for that had a lot of bans in the last months. If someone clicks you pretty fast i am 99% sure that he have done it by hand. It is really hard to find a real autoclick nowadays on game. You can believe it or not but its the truth

    -The programs are constantly updated to avoid being detected, this is true? Yes and no. Packet bots updates each time bigpoint change their game client version (each time BP make an update on the game). But pixel-bots and macro programs are not updated in order to avoid being detected. Macro programs are obiously never updated. And pixelbots get updates to include new features, but not to specifically to avoid bans.

    -Nerf the bonus boxes, again, is the solution? No. The answer is quite simple if they nerf bonus boxes again people will just move to palladium or to aliens. So, is BP going to nerf palladium and npc as well? Nerf is not the solution.
  18. Indeed, in theory; If a packet bot emulates a client perfectly, it is undetectable. Then the only way to detect a bot user is through massive behavioural analysis, which is what I assume BP is doing.
  19. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Why don't you just straight up ban people you see in auction. I mean - basic space pilot - 4 hours of playtime bid 2 billions on several stuff?! Are you serious?! You see UFE boters on maps all day long, playing 24/7 or at least 7 hours a day shooting the same NPC's over and over again without stopping?! BAN THEM!

    Can't wait to see how bigpoint is gonna punish them - if they even ever will! Bet they will just give them 1 month ban and take their credits and seprom, because then the servers would become totally empty! Bet they will keep them EE, uridium and other stuff. YOU BET!

    Or they will anounce they banned like 150 players and will be proud. Just fyi 150 players are boters in like 8 maps! so they would have to ban at least 15k players across all servers to even make it a sense and you could at least notice they banned somebody!

    I guess it's time for another long break 'till they fix it a bit...


    yeh today in 4/1 map and ye rest of the pvp maps loads af players there and a lot of red dots guess wot didnt get attacked once then realised they were bots no one accepted my invite .then suddenly some 1 came out of port straight as a die and i woz locked too emps later still locked slow mine he still rolled over them with no effect .FULL STOP
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