Scatterlasers vs LF4

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by Bakjam, Nov 18, 2017.

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  1. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2022
  2. Hi Bakjam,

    Thanks for the info. I have been thinking about Scatter Laser. I was planning to trade my LF-4 on my P.E.T. to all Scatter Laser. I will be replacing configuration 2. The P.E.T. is always in there close and fighting on top of my enemy. P.E.T. has 10 slots for lasers. If it isn't on auto loot.

    Two weapons you don't mention is the Spectral Lancer and Unstable LF-4 Cannon which I use, and both can be upgraded.

    I use G. Surgeon and config 1 has Spectral Lancer III on all platforms with ship and P.E.T. having some scatter laser. Config 2 has lf-4/5 on ship and LF-4 on the other platforms with a couple of Scatter Laser on ship and P.E.T..

    Configuration 1 is for PVA (more Speed Gen) and cong. 2 is for PVP (more Shield Gen).

    Do have a couple of questions:
    What is JAMX
    What is ISH

    I have 3 Spearhead, Elite, and Veteran, Tartarus, but no Pusat.

    I will admit I'm not a killer when fighting other player, because I die more often (higher level). That is why I'm thinking of trading weapons plus doubling up with weapons on my Drone getting read of the shield.

    I want to thank you again, and if you have any thoughts on my ship/set up, I would like to hear from you.

    Odin® and Bakjam like this.
  3. Hi Bakjam,

    My main ship has all 16th LvL weapons. I'm in the process of upgrading Scatter Laser 3, SL-03 (8) to 16 LvL for my P.E.T.. My ship config 1 is equipment mostly with Spectral Lancer 3 (SLL-03) I use for PVE. Config 2 has mostly LF-4 and some of the new special LF-4 or as you said LF-05 for PVP.

    Are you saying:
    SL-03 are not as good against PVP? Did I miss understand you?

    Your post made my day, because I was on my way improving my SL-03. I wasn't sure of myself in doing this because of the cost. Yesterday I decide to make a change because I die by the hands of other in "Capture the Beacon." I know they were higher levels than me, but I thought I would/should have done better.

    So should I use SL-03 for PVE now?

    Thank you again,
  4. Thanks Bakjam,

    You have help a lot.

    Bakjam likes this.
  5. Does the Spectrum's special ability reduce the scatter laser's overdrive damage?
  6. Hi Bakjam,

    Well I was out trying to capture the beacon, and I die quickly. I know I'm not near to the level the guy I was fighting (crown and silver shield) I was fighting as running with the beacon, but I was in my config. 2. It has my best lasers and 13 shield gens, all 16 lvl except 3 10 lvl which I took off another ship to build up the shields. SLL 03 didn't seem to help on my P.E.T.. My P.E.T. was in guard mode, and I was firing x5 (R 75), the x4. I don't know how much damage I did because I died before I could really fight. May be I could change ships to my C. Elite.

    Thanks again,