[GI] ??Actual ships" max damage table ??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ∞∞ФAЭTTTOH∞∞, Dec 6, 2017.

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  1. please, share the newest/actual infotable about max damage for different ships !!

  2. These are generated by the community so I suggest that you create it for yourself, and if it is correct then post it for everyone.
    ATEER likes this.
  3. seems, that actual (2017)infotable is absent for every langforum
  4. hushing

    hushing User

    xxxxxxDrone LevelDrone LevelCiyborgCiyborgPilot BIO / PETPilot BIO / PETSepromSepromHavoc/SpartanHavoc/SpartanBooster 1Booster 1Drone UpgradeDrone UpgradeLazar UpgradeLazar UpgradeBooster 2Booster 2Drill FormationDrill FormationShared BoosterShared Booster
    PET with 12 AI-LM1-4%10200212200021202960313829603138331535143315351433153514364738663647386638663866386638663866386638663866
    X1 Ammoxxx9200975210560111941132011999126781343918296193941916420313210802234521710230122301223012249272492729139291393798537985
    X2 Ammoxxx184001950421120223872264023998253572687836593387883832740627421604469043419460254602546025498544985458278582787597075970
    X3 Ammoxxx27600292563168033581339603599838035403175488958182574916094063240670346512969037690376903774781747818741887418113955113955
    X4 USB 100xxx3680039008422404477445280479975071453756731857757676655812548432089379868399204992049920499970899708116557116557151940151940
    x6 RSB-75xxx5520058512633606716267920719957607080635109778116365114982121881126480134069130258138074138074138074149562149562174835174835227910227910
  5. Had the O P the the information that was asked a table would have been posted and not requested, to be told to basically go do it yourself is neither helpful or polite. If you read the post above it might give you an idea on how to respond helpfully.
  6. And even the posted table is only a partial table as you have Boosters, different ships, different configs, and even group attributes that need to be taken into account.

    So where I am assumed to be rude and unhelpful, the request is incomplete and as such the information used to create this table could be better used from the appropriate FAQ's and include the information as applied to the ship being used and configs as equipped.

  7. i have 35lf4(16)+10havoc"ed drones(16)+ drill-fOrmtion+20%dmg booster+sepromizedXammo+ENFORCER==
    > AND ONLY 85000 dmg with x4.
    is your DMG-Infotable reliable enough, friend?