[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    i know a few who have banned ( not personally, just on game ) .. and their response is that they will just go bot when theyre back in 2 weeks, so yh, the punishment needs revising. not everyone is bothered about ranks or their ep and honor. maybe hit them financially with the uri? and maybe the rsb and x4? or even take away their pp totally that they have made over time? i dont know what else to suggest. but regardless, at least this first wave is a start. lets see what happens with the next 2
  2. AVIT

    AVIT User

    the botters were only caught while the bit detection system was on or when they updated it ,,prior to that all known botters will not be caught ,
    SO in others it prospers to be a botter for a month and then dont as you will not get caught ..

    AS they dont ever ban them permanently
  3. Bot time they got caught...
    Shud be perma banned..
    So unfair for normal players.
    S.Λ.J. likes this.
  4. spy-girl

    spy-girl User

    You can be banned for longer time if you use the ordinary worlds = that you do if you are joking with freinds ,So what is this ???
  5. ÇîŁMŴ

    ÇîŁMŴ User

    So? What's your point?
    I am not defending botters, I am just trying to give an explanation about BP weak punishment
  6. DRAZI

    DRAZI User

    Today's Announcement about a Flaw in 1 of the 2 methods of Detection of Bots and Cheats is a bit premature.

    Video Proof of one said player was asked to be sent to Support for review and said Player was one of those in the Ban Wave. Now to see it being reversed and with compensation is a slap in the face to those Players who do play the game Fairly!

    Suggest a 2nd Check of all Banned Players involved in the 1st Wave
  7. i agree 100% with the above post. I don't understand how you are going to give them a compensation... for what Cheating. Certain players have seen a certain player alien botting so I can not for the life of me how these people can get away with this. This is a real incentive for us fair players to put more money in the game. The bans should stand. This game is really about the cheaters and how they can get ahead why is this fair???
  8. I'm being cheated right now, I've been stuck in Alpha gate with no response for over 3 hours.
  9. And what is also funny is that a certain said player that had gotten banned from our server had his clan mates bragging in chat about how he was coming back is not a slap but a kick in the butt. Come on and finally put an end to these so called good players cheating alot of us are getting sick of seeing this happen. Years ago none of this monkey business would be tolerated, makes you wonder if there are not crooked higher ups in contact with the cheaters. If how they act on a game where cheating is allowed is any indication of how they handle real life situations I feel sorry for them. Maybe our server would be more active if they Cheaters would get what they deserve, but no they get compensation......... Shame......
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
  10. I have a feeling I will get no reply to this and I will most likely be banned myself for my opinion or this post will be deleted or closed but here goes. Not that any of this matters but I have Played DO for many years and many servers and accounts that I maintain or were maintaining. On west server many know me and my ship. On that server I have spent I think 65k US and a ton of hours on west alone and have one of the top accounts on that server and #1 in ship kills even though I have been inactive time to time for the past few years due to the obvious cheats that have been running on the server . I Gained respect for DO when they banned a lot of those cheats. I even started playing again on west server. Now all those losers they Banned you now they un-banned them and gift them with a package and the one's they un-banned were the worst of the worst of the cheaters on west. We all know who these people are and how they are getting away with it but it seems DO just does not care or don't care to know what goes on. With all this coming to light again I have lost respect for the operators of this game well it may be time to think about going inactive once more. I can only hope that some day the operators of this game make the game more fair and attract us loyal players back with some new blood as well have a good day. Fell free to Reply your Feeling on this issue at lease until one of the Mods close's this since they always shut down any talk about the truth on the cheat issue.
  11. Amen brother.

    Its too bad they will delete it anyways.
  12. You know they scripts are the only way they can ban right.... they have to get the proof, right.... DO should just ban 100% and stop playing around with them. But, when they do that they start again with a ship that is made of botters. I kill the botters and love and want them to stay. Its easy kills, lol. I hope they get it right. don't hate the game hate the botters….lol I did not see any movement in rank as they suggested. It would be like 10 people each. most are low level players that botted a second account so who cares if they deleted them. remember its only a game don't be so serious. no one dies or lives because of DO. but it would be nice to have the botters deleted asap. Get better programs and they can detect botters in like 2 hours. I can spot botters in 10 minutes why cannt they????????????????
  13. I don't understand why they can not see the bot's.. I don't mind the bot's in the 4-x maps you are right easy kill's for dead server's. But when you see the Bot's in any map shooting NPC's and you shoot a rocket at is and it runs to port reep;s there and then a min goes by and it is off trying to shoot more NPC. That is not fair for the people who are on. I also see people using PVP hacks and gate spinners and many more cheats but they do noting. They ban the cheats, then say O sorry here is a package when they know they have been cheating. I only wish I was a MOD I could help them detect a cheat with out a script. All they have to do is there job and moderate the server Like the old days get on the server and watch and they will see the cheats. They use to get on mod ships and watch they use to get on a plain on ship's and watch. Well not no more the got lazy and corrupt.

    Like I said there is issues on all server's I know I played on many. I'll use west as an example, How can you not know admins are corrupt and/or don't care. Let's see, on west all the cheats are from the same group who say's the have admins in there pocket. People in this same group are always getting banned and then un-banend. I think they talked about one of there leaders in a twitch feed one time and said he was a whistle blower on bot's and cheats. Fact is he only told them about those cheats after he used them for a long time and when he other found another cheat and/or too many other's found out about the old one's it was a advantage for him to tell them about it. I understand at one time they talked about making him a Mod if he is not one already.

    I still hope DO and BP will get it right fact is the servers are dead and dyeing they must merge servers to try to keep people interested since people are leaving the game because of poor customer service and there Mod's allowing these cheat's. They can not even get new players to play or even stay because of these same issues. One can only hope they will get it right if not this game is doomed do another server merge and another and so on, until there is on more DO
  14. I will personally help dark orbit by using a mod ship to detect botters...Just 1hr ago on GB1 there were 2 botters in 2.7...I don't think the current system is a suitable deterrent because players are still doing the exact same thing!
  15. As I said Do need's more trustworthy mod's and mod;s that do there job. It is simple they need to watch servers closer by having mod's sit in map's and watch even test the maps and players. They don't even need to be mod's just regular player's who have contact with mod's to Inform them on these issues and all those player's would need to do is record the instance's that cause a bannable offence. At this time if you send a ticket into support about some one who is cheating they just dismiss it like they do with most other ticket's . Again a problem with support doing there job as well! To top it all off if you make a accusation about some one cheating even if you have the proof you would be banned your self. How messed up is that?
  16. Guess the truth hit a sore spot with them, Deleting my factually post.

    Some one point me to the line in Terms and Conditions / OR Rules where it specifically is writing that the BOTs have to be caught by a detection system ?

    I cant find it any where.
  17. DRAZI

    DRAZI User

    Your not the only one having post removed Sore Subject indeed Cover-Up More like.

    As I had mentioned about DO having to revert the Bans because of Low Populations on Servers. Once the Servers are Merged there won't be a Low Population! Run the Scans again and get rid of the Bots and the Cheats.
  18. how about rewarding your loyal and none cheating players >_>
  19. AVIT

    AVIT User

    AS for the bot bans ,i said to all in our server chat ..i will believe the bans in 2 weeks . if they are still banned then thats when i believe it !
    i was right as usuall .the ones who needed banning are not lol

    ALSO your all going on about bots ,,when its the PUSHING cheats who are the main culprits and do have no idea how to combat that .
    On discord there are plenty pushing clubs i bet
  20. Unbelievable does DO admins think we all don't talk? To have you know we all on all US servers talk with each other about this stuff. To now here a few players from other server's other than these here who say there post have been removed as well. As said yesterday at 3:56 I am surprised my post have not been taken down yet. Fact is the un-ban's did not need to take place. What needs to take place is what I have been saying and that is for support and mod's to do there jobs not cover this stuff up. Face it and do some thing and make this game a place were people want to play and say and not leave and go inactive, every day I ask myself if I should bother to press start I think there is many more who ask themselves the same question.
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