Monthly Ranking

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Deter, May 30, 2020.

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  1. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We’re happy to announce that from 4th June onwards, we present a brand-new Monthly Ranking in our game. You can find it as an additional tab to the existing Total, Last week and Highest Climber rankings. The new Monthly Ranking which will run from June onwards each month shows the ranking points of the current month.

    We cannot go live with it at the beginning of the month (1st June is a bank holiday), therefore we will launch this feature on 4th June.
    Important information:
    • The Monthly Ranking tab will only show up from the 4th June. But the tab will be blank on 4th June because the actual points will start showing up from the 5th June!
    • The points that are showing up on 5th June are accumulated from the 1st of June!
    This means, even if the Monthly Ranking page is empty on the 4th June, the points are accumulated in the background and will show up on 5th June. This is not a bug

    Be prepared and climb the Monthly Ranking to reach out for new titles and achievements. If you’re one of the top ranking players, bask in the admiration and envy of your peers, and keep an eye out for challengers!

    The FAQ with more information can be found here:
    Please leave your feedback here:
    The-Last-Starfighter likes this.
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We are happy to present an update for the Monthly Ranking: At the end of August, you will not only get your Monthly Ranking Title but together with it, we’re introducing Champion Tokens with which you will be able to craft special recipes, like some new ship designs, P.E.T. designs and Drone designs.

    The recipes will only be unlocked if you have won a rank in the Monthly Ranking before. Please have a look at our upated FAQ:

    We’re also happy to receive your feedback:

    Your DarkOrbit Team