looking for old clan member's

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Lightvampire, Jul 18, 2020.

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  1. wanting to see if any of my old clan member's are still around if you were from BaB please contact me.
  2. IdoBexi

    IdoBexi User

    from east 1?
  3. not sure of the sever from back then i used to sign on though syfy back then if anyone was from BaB the leaders were speedy and bluedragon
  4. CiferBlat

    CiferBlat User

    its Gb1 old server. Remember this clan
  5. Bones

    Bones User

    Lightvampire i was in BAB on east 1 with speedy this is SKIN speedy and i and exactly99 still play we started a new clan come find us on east server