December Sync

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Oddessey, Nov 30, 2021.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We will have a sync with a server restart tomorrow at around 10 am CET to do some background work.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  2. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We will have a sync with server restart tomorrow at around 10am CET to do some background work.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  3. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Our sync is now completed. If players are still having problems to connect to the game, please ask them to clear their cache and cookies and to try again.

    We did some background work and fixed the following bug:
    • Bug: Users below the necessary level are on BL maps - FIXED
    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  4. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We need to do an emergency sync today at around 3pm CET to patch a security issue for our game.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  5. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Our sync is completed. If you have any trouble logging in, please clear your cache and cookies and try again.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  6. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We will have a sync with a server restart tomorrow at around 10 am CET to do some background work.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  7. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Our sync is completed. If you have any trouble logging in, please clear your cache and cookies and try again.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  8. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We will have a sync with a server restart tomorrow at around 10 am CET to do some background work.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  9. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Our sync is now completed. We did some background work and fixed the following bugs:
    • Bug: There were some problems with the Monthly Deluxe Calendar and the final reward - FIXED
    • Bug: Reset of P.E.T. HEAT Level bonuses when skipping a portal – FIXED
    • Bug: P.E.T. is deactivating when using a jump CPU or a portal - FIXED
    If you have any trouble logging in, please be sure to clear your cache and cookies and try logging in again.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.