Discussion in 'General Issues' started by R.I.P_BSGO_InFlames_, Mar 20, 2023.

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  1. BP Are you serious?
    your system verification is poor to say the least and you are banning legitimate players.
    so what can i do now that you have banned me.
    I'm speechless, my account has never used any program or whatever they call it...
    my account gifted as compensation after BP closed another game or BSGOonline since late 2018.
    what do i need to do now after the fact to get my account back?

    official warnings ! by Oddessy
    Today we are executing a first ban wave against players that use the „Train Bot“. The banning period is only a short one but nevertheless, everyone should take this warning seriously!
    This measure is meant as a „friendly warning“ so that all players that have been identified as train bot users know that we are detecting them and if they continue using this bot, they will risk to lose their accounts!
    • The account ban is a temporary ban for now – please keep in mind that this is a WARNING!
    • If those players continue to use the bot they will be detected and punished accordingly.
    • Also other players who haven’t been banned for now and who are still using this bot should take this warning seriously!
    • All players that we ban will be removed from the rankings and their Honor Points will be set to 0.

    I want to know from you (Oddessy) officially after you banned me for reasons unknown to me the duration of this ban or is it permanent?
    Second, do you check the accounts or just trust the detection system which is absolute crap (I don't want to offend anyone, but if it bans legitimate players then something is wrong), and does that mean after you find out that I'm not a hacker account returned .Will the account be sanctioned (when it is returned to me I hope) after it is detected as a bot by the honor points reset or any other sanctions.

    It's hard for me to explain myself in English, I want Bulgarian support and the forum you closed...
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 20, 2023
    aso_pika likes this.
  2. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hi R.I.P_BSGO_InFlames_,

    We have been informed that you already contacted support. Please continue to work with them on this matter.

    Closing as this is now a support matter.

    TermiteFan likes this.
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