Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ΣVÏŁ_ŠİŦĤ, Apr 26, 2024.

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  1. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    lmao lol rolmao buwahahaha you're funny, do you work for BP?
    TheDutchAvenger likes this.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Indeed, legit players' stuck with 3rd party interlopers! It's as though they want us all to be like them, NO ty, i'm happy playing by the TOC/TOS, I don't mind spending when I can actually play the game!
  3. I get the impression someone really does not like this Spring Sabotage event because last weekend everything was okay now that they tried to give us back the time we lost here we are again dealing with DDOS attacks. I'm just really getting tired of this.
    jayherbo likes this.
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Why won't they just ban them all, they know exactly whom they are, it really is turning the game into a joke, but the joke is on us!

    Plus, can anyone please tell me what Military has a Colonel as the highest Ranko_O, they can't even get the ranks right lmao
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
  5. whos bright idea was it to re run a broken event i think that guy needs to be fired finally got in ant froze up jumping from 3-8 to 3-7 now cant log back into game server
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and jayherbo like this.
  6. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Same here, stuck in a map, can't even get to home base, Stingrays bore me!
  7. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    the weekend crash. is this some sort of event?
  8. Trying to login to DO for hours is my favourite weekend pass time.

    Yes, this is sarcasm.
    jayherbo likes this.
  9. try clear cache and browser history
    jayherbo likes this.
  10. lmao
    jayherbo likes this.
  11. kg1984

    kg1984 User

    kids need to quit messing with the game
    jayherbo likes this.
  12. Lost my ship it seems that the gate I was in froze. I can switch to my useless ship in pirate maps but hey I wanted to participate in the event they offered.

    Maybe its time to sell the game to a company that knows how to manage a product?
    NeptunsLV, jayherbo and .-T_H_O_R-. like this.
  13. Clearing cache is not working I did eventually get into the game but then like a true idiot jumped into the EBG gate where I'm now stuck. I froze and cannot get logged back into the game page.
    jayherbo and -=MarcVenture=- like this.
  14. Bought box doubler for this and looks like they nerfed the booty boxes anyways got way more keys from easter eggs last time than we get this time.
    Also I predicted this was going to happen as soon as they posted they were re running the event again lets face it whoever is working on the game atm isn't capable of stopping the Ddos is it Ddos or is it the insane amount of new bots logging into the server overloading it?

    Anyways it's been the same old garbage month after month year after year BP allows or can't stop the attacks on the game and the compensation packages they offer are very very insulting pretty much done being pushed around and bullied for talking about the game issues from this team and supporting them with no interaction with players other than their precious discord buddies.

    Every time there has been a good event like this we can't play anyways while the top bot and bug abusers run free every day and they also get the compensation package and that in itself is insulting!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  15. open DO jump on x2 map and lost connection now cant log back into game server :(
    jayherbo likes this.
  16. another failure by the devs to actually fix the event now this is the second time the event was unplayable total time in game during the event 3 hours until game freezes during a jump to a map this includes the past time it was run . way to go on the compensation for the last mess up guys now you have just shown all players that you do not care about the players . when you re run a event that was broken and try to run it again proves the point as to why players are leaving game and not comming back your support horrid they do nothing but shield the botters and ban real players
  17. same things in other serwers this game is dying
    jayherbo likes this.
  18. lets add somethink positive to how we are all feeling>savings gone up time to chat eat properly and more time to think about your week ahead so thats great..negative note we cant play boosters ran out ,dark orbit cant be fixed ,no 1 banned,bots still have the advantage in all events erm wat else yer yer support full of same rubbish bit like all the diffent coloured boxes you can buy hahaha wat a great game lol loads of other things we can say but no point ...sunday so eat well sod game find another 1 or if got a dog go walking in the rain x ttfn
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and jayherbo like this.
  19. Misutka93

    Misutka93 User

    I have the same problem with the connection, I press click to run to the base then my ship shift it away on the map like I lost connection on the game, I said okay let me try to reconnect. Then now I have 1 day I try to reconnect and it says "Connection information" the logg in window and I cannot connect to the server. Then I try all I change my ship, I change server Global 3 for example and it works there, but when I switch back to the Server and try again to connect I can't. Need HELP GUYS ! Support Team OF Darkorbit?
  20. BF-109E

    BF-109E User

    best thing to do is log off till they fix it ,stop premium,stop buying uri and boosters then they will do something
    jayherbo likes this.
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