Old School Players???

Discussion in 'Meet the Players - Who's Who' started by Thrillber, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. Try the internet archive https://archive.org/
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    they should udate the cd and release it. I'd buy it
    might be as fun.
  3. I can't post a screenshot, cause DO hates us, but after years of being on and off, I finally reached my highest Rank my original account had prior to ban. My main ship has finally hit Colonel :D

    Was kind of depressing seeing an 08 ship hanging in the majors lol.
  4. Sgt~Ocker

    Sgt~Ocker User

    What do you need for Chief Colonel?

    I'm a Basic Colonel (again) and need 12 mil RP for Colonel. Sadly I only have 10k kill quest left to do so trying to find that RP is depressing :(
  5. Took me 99.5mil to get Colonel, and I need 164mil for Chief. I Had to use all booster types to gain, and do 100 missions and blacklight missions, with a few of the other big exp/honor missions in game, since I never did anything outside of PvP and Gates in the past lmao. Also had to go broke every sunday to spam run Hades :'(
    TermiteFan and Sgt~Ocker like this.
  6. Where you at nowadays? I remember you from way back. I've been a user since 2010
  7. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Hello Noobs
  8. Basic Sargeant
    MEMBER SINCE: 20-11-2011
    PLAYING TIME: 1,674 hour
    But I stopped playing for 10 years until recently when I returned 4 months ago. I have two lesser accounts on other servers and building them now as well.
  9. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    i played way back then took a number of years away.

    was in Etched Hull clan when i left.

    i sure do miss those days and players.

  10. Baterax

    Baterax User

    14 years and I'm still a no0b
  11. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    13 years and as you im still a noob
    AVIT and PĂĽÀĐÌŅ like this.
  12. User since:24-07-2008
    Player activity:12,634 hours

    Ya still noob
  13. 09/09/2007 Many Knows >_> many have died in R.L, Pop in to say hello to those who still FLY.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  14. Green_Lantern here. My original account was probably back in 2008. Was usa east and west. Had Green Lantern Clan and later on I was the Lone Green Lantern Clan. Got busy with work and life thought game was gone. Just found it recently and started a new account back on global. Some people I stayed friends with after the game have families like myself and unfortunately some passed due to health and age.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  15. We are still allied with the Lone Green Lantern clan.
  16. Recovered my old account but still playing new one to relearn everything.
    jayherbo and PĂĽÀĐÌŅ like this.
  17. Is this were all of us semi-retired players come to say hello? ;)
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  18. i wouldnt say that i am semi retired. started in 2007/2008, took a break from the game from 2013-2022.
    -TACKO-[H.E] and PĂĽÀĐÌŅ like this.
  19. Most are here due to a burning sensation when you fire your laser!
    jayherbo and PacificNW like this.
  20. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Drink Distilled Water :) no more Laser burn :D
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.