Missing Mega Happy Hours and Helix Sales

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by DRAZI, May 18, 2024.

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  1. DRAZI

    DRAZI User

    Last Wednesday, I patiently waited hour after hour for the Mega Happy Hour to show up so I can top off my Supply of 50% EP and Honor Boosters ( EP in this Case ) which I do on Wednesday's Saturday's and Sunday's.

    To my surprise, no sale happened so I had to pay Double the Price I would have to get my 5 Day Maximum of Booster.

    Now, I was not home Friday night, but I questioned other players if they noticed a Mega or a Helix and no one noticed one at all.

    Now here we are on Saturday, I have been logging on earlier on the hour just in case they changed the Time from US EST to German Time or not to no avail.

    Can anyone let me and other players know what is going on with this??

    Thank you
    WRINKLEFREE, jayherbo and IRON-THRONE like this.
  2. Good Question! It's 5:10 on US2 and there is neither a Mega or Helix
    jayherbo likes this.
  3. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Hope we get a HELIX 800%:confused: tonight for compensation :D
    WRINKLEFREE likes this.
  4. Dont spend a penny guys this is a JOKE if its not one thing its another with this game now BAD NEWS big point
    jayherbo likes this.
  5. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Come on! this is a joke!
    WRINKLEFREE likes this.
  6. i think helix got banned for being naughty :p
    jayherbo likes this.
  7. Oh,.. Look.... It's Back this Wednesday, after a Week and Weekend without and being told it was Random for the last 14 yrs like clock work.

    Just a extra mention to my post above,.. Logged in close to Midnight to bid, and the Mega Happy Hour, that should have ended at 9pm, was still running! It ran an Extra 3 Hours to make up for the week before?

    Hate to see what happens this weekend :)
    Last edited by moderator: May 23, 2024