Protegit Pandemonium Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, May 14, 2024.

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  1. Thanks for the info
    jayherbo likes this.
  2. 9KKO

    9KKO User

    You and me both
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and jayherbo like this.
  3. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Yup and now they have put AGATUS on, so all maps will be full of the stupid annoying mines making it even harder to kill prots!

    Eventually got it done with help from old skool players that cleared the maps of bots:D, thanks to those players:)
    Modules from keys however were :confused:
    Last edited by moderator: May 25, 2024
  4. Pootis-Man

    Pootis-Man User

    There are too many bot users on maps, just like last year. And here I thought they would be fewer since Bigpoint has been launching one banwave per month, which would be 12 banwaves total since the event last year. But their banwaves only ban a very small minority of cheaters, that's definitely not how the game will improve.

    The event is the same as last year, except the fact that the overall amount of chaos fragments per protegit was slightly decreased on most maps, 2 more hours of actives chaos protegits from midnight to 2 am were also added, which only benefit bot users of course.

    Basically it's a bot fest, like the last time. It's tough for legit players to farm chaos fragments when maps are 24/7 full of bots which instantly lock and shot any protegit they come across...
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
    -=MarcVenture=- and jayherbo like this.
  5. Hard to enjoy this game when there are dozens of bots ruining the events for everyone else. The game eats up way too much cpu usage making my computer fan sound like a jet engine which I don't understand but my guess is all the pressure the bots put on to the server and the instability they bring along. I can't find the appeal to play this game as I used to do due to many years of neglect from Bigpoint.
  6. just bots, trains ,and autos everywhere ,what s the point of even playing? cant enjoy a game full of programs doing the work. I genuinely don't see what is left for us non bot users to do .
  7. Just do the prots in enemy uppers, enemy kills and chaos prots
    jayherbo likes this.
  8. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Is there anywhere on this game that you can just be left in peace? Find a nice quiet map then some random player appears with an invite then shoots you if you don't accept? WE'RE NOT ALL BOTS! Some of us don't wish to talk to or even be in a group, just accept that and leave your ego outside!
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  9. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    why do you continually set targets for botters, not actual players. and rewards are a joke............
    EmperorOfTheOrbit and jayherbo like this.
  10. These prots are uselessly annoying, end of story. Just send them back to kubikons and gates where they belong to, and stop annoying players in normal maps.
    jayherbo likes this.
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