Auto Rocket CPU

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Explosivo55, Jun 2, 2024.

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  1. So i aquired this CPU and dragged it into the slot on my ship but I'm still having to manually fire rockets, the CPU don't seem to be working as stated.

    Any ideas as to why would be appreciated
    jayherbo likes this.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Make sure you have it highlighted on your UI aka user interface:cool:
  3. Yep that's it, i thought it would work like the auto repair CPU, but have now found it in the CPU tab and dragged it to show on the UI and now have a key to activate it and deactivate it, handy for when dealing with smaller pray, where lasers on their own are good enough.

    Thanks for the pointer
    jayherbo likes this.