Help a returnee out

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ZabusXant, May 31, 2024.

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  1. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    Hello there. I have a few questions so I'd appreciate answers on any of them.

    1. Prom vs Odysseus lasers: I have just about full Magmadrill+Paritydrill setup and only 2 prom lasers.
    From the forum I found out that:
    - magma/parity do 235 damage per hit
    - prom do 250 damage per hit
    - Odysseus do 330 damage per hit at 50% crit.

    Obviously what I have is the worst of the bunch, but they are not THAT far behind prom lasers. I've heard it's still important to have them even tho they fall quite behind the Ody lasers. Why is that? I was thinking on skipping prom lasers altogether (BL maps are not my fav, but that is just me) and jumping from magma/party straight to Odysseus. I'd appreciate thoughts on this matter.

    2. Modules:
    Yes, there are 4 types (damage, shield, HP, special) some modules are better than others it seems and I cannot get my head around which are worth keeping around. I have a couple XSP01 (Season pass) modules but they cost a lot to re-stabilize if I don't like the stats. Also, I've no idea what's the max for each of the stats that any module offers so for this second part mainly need 3 things answered:
    - Names of the best modules (top3 or top5 or ideally all names ranked as in xu03, xu02 xsp01 etc) to keep and try re-stabilize or any point I might've missed.
    - Max stats for damage, shield, HP, and anything on special module.
    - What am I looking for in a SPC module? speed? hitchance increase? evasion?

    3. Rocket launchers
    I've heard hydra is best as it gives most bang for your buck. Are the rest of the launchers applicable at all with any ship?

    4. Plus ships
    My assumption is that you get the plus ship you have the best modules for. Is this an okay way of thinking or just get Goliath+ or Pusat+ regardless of modules? (I mostly see those 2 plus ships and the citadel as well, not really the rest of them)

    Thanks in advance for the answers ^^
    jayherbo likes this.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Don't be fooled by the Plus ships, there is many an old ship with the right modules that are beasts, hit hard and very fast (speed), whereas lasers are concerned that is personal choice. I use Hyperplasmoids as i only pve, if you want to pvp then Magmadrill are the best.
  3. Plus ships have more lasers more generators and 4 modules not 3 the plus ships are always going to be better with the right modules.
    jayherbo likes this.
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Surgeon passive abilities 6% hon 6% exp 6% dmg + extra slot, again with the right mods this ship is a beast:cool:, as is it's BIG Bro the Goliath Champion with 10% hon 5% dmg, with the right modules this thing is a grind monster:), my Champion is 10% hon 6% exp 5% dmg plus dmg from research points :p 25% extra hon from research points so passive is 35% extra hon:eek:. Always remember to add your research points when working out module stats :D
  5. 1.reason you still want proms even tho odysseus is stronger is because odysseus only work on ship so you still need 20 on drones and obs they are the best on bl map and you need them in end game there
    2.max stats for modules are around 24%dmg , 13% speed , 24% shield , 32% hp , 20+ evasion , 15+ pen if you get something around those numbers keep them but anything between 10-15 is decent for beginning plus there are stable modules that you can get from diff events like 15% npc dmg for solace/solace+
    3.yes hydra would be a safe bet and is best in pvp but pve you can use neptune and trisk is good for ships that use skills a lot like solaris/solace
    4.if you don t have any good mods for any ship and you want to get a plus ship that s fine but it s prob the best to use the best ship that you have in terms of modules until you get some for plus ship also
    Seraphim likes this.
  6. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    Thanks for the answers so far! Please, keep them coming and I am really interested for the best module names to keep (XU03, XU02, XSP01 etc) or sort of a "tier list" on which of those modules are the best and what is used to measure them against the other modules?
  7. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Keep all your modules until you've got a set of mods for a good ship.

    X1 and X2 have the lowest floor so they're usually the worst, but they can roll high if you're lucky.
    XSP01 and XT10 have the highest floor, but they're expensive to reroll and acquire. Those are great to recycle if they roll on a bad ship and roll a bad effect.
    Everything else can be decent. If you have a specific ship in mind then see if some of the mods favour rolling on that ship.

    The max values are typically:
    HP: 32%
    DMG: 24%
    Shield: 24%
    Special: 23%
    But bear in mind that some can differ and there's no great way to know since even official info on module stats' ceilings have been proven to be incorrect. E.g. HP-ZPVE can roll as high as 32% even though we were told it caps at 23%.
    Some effects have a disproportionately lower chance of appearing than others, and some have a low chance to roll high. E.g. Speed (which is rare) typically rolls low, though can rarely roll high.

    The first hurdle is getting mods for the right ship. Look into stable modules as those have a fixed effect for specific ships, and though they aren't spectacular, they're great to start with. E.g. SPC-DIM01 has a great set of effects, and SPC-SPD01 could supplement a Goli Plus ship until you get something better, as it's much easier than relying on an unstable module to roll on the ship.


    I'll try to give you a quick answer for lasers:

    Aim for full Proms. They outperform every other laser against certain BL aliens.

    LF4/Unstable LF4/Magmadrill/Paritydrill/Hyperplasmoid are all temporary trash lasers. Never focus on getting them. You'll get them passively from galaxy gates, booty keys and the monthly login calendar occasionally. They're placeholders until you get full Proms. Nothing more.

    Asmodeus and Odysseus are worth grabbing whenever you can from battlepass events. Their special effects only work while they're equipped on your ship so you'd want 18 of each at most (the most ship laser slots of any ship currently).

    Asmodeus is a PVE laser, and once you have 3+ it's reliably as good, if not better than Proms for PVE outside of certain BL aliens. (think gates and PVE events). There's a few severe restrictions with it which makes it rough to utilise well, but still worth acquiring when you can, in my opinion. E.g. if you change config it'll reset the lasers' stacking bonuses. It's better than Odysseus under the right conditions.

    Odysseus has no such restrictions and is easily the best laser for PVP, and better than Proms for PVE outside of certain BL aliens. Great laser. 10/10 doctors recommend.


    Hydra's always first, and sometimes the second launcher too (for ships that can equip two).

    Neptune's good when you're using energy leech as you won't need the bulk from Hydra. It's also good for events if you're not hurting on health without Hydra (usually means you'd have a good HP mod) and you just want to maximise your damage.

    Trisk's good for specific ships that can make use of abilities. E.g. a support Solace Plus in groups, or paired with a different launcher on a Cita Plus.


    Goli Plus is the best all-arounder, and one of the most popular plus ships for mods.
    Solace Plus has an easy +15% PVE damage stable mod (DMG-NPC01) which means it can be great for events and missions pretty early on.
    Pusat Plus is fast, but paper thin, and mods are hard to come by.
    Solaris Plus has the advantage of getting bonus damage for every mod equipped (even if the mods aren't good ones), along with a decent low cooldown aoe ability.

    Don't let us pressure you though. Decide for yourself. The consensus is to pick a ship based on what mods you own when you've saved up for your first plus ship. Just don't pick Liberator Plus...

    ...and Goliath Surgeon is a trash ship. EP, Hon and rank don't matter when it's impossible to compete with the top ranked players. That module for Solace plus (DMG-NPC01) also works on the base Solace ship, making it considerably better than Surgeon. jayherbo's an old hippie who likes green stuff (ship, lasers etc).

    I will say though, Orcus and Centurion are decent non-plus ships for several reasons. XT10 modules favour these ships. Centurion has a special design (called Tyrannos Centurion) which gives it a bunch of bonuses. Orcus has an amazing passive ability. Orcus can't be crafted so look out for it in a future battlepass or something. Centurion can be crafted in the assembly.


    I didn't plan to write this much. Just wanted to give a few pointers that I'd learnt since information on the game's poorly documented. It's a great idea to ask in-game. People know more than you might find online.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2024
    SandwichDeliveries and ZabusXant like this.
  8. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    Woah, seraphim that was extensive and exactly what I was asking for in addition to previous anwers! Thank you everyone so much. If anyone has any extra thoughts on the matter, please share. I have one last question tho to round things up. I feel like different ships want different things out of the special module. Is there a rule of thumb on this matter or is it always speed?
    jayherbo likes this.
  9. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    13% extra speed super duper trooper rare :confused:
  10. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    A special mod can be: Shield penetration, Speed, Evasion, Laser hit chance and Rocket hit chance

    Shield penetration's great for galaxy gates, events and PVP, but it's rare. Usually the ship with the best shield penetration and damage ratio will be the go-to for doing gates.
    Speed's always good.
    Evasion's generally great too.
    Hit chance isn't as important.
  11. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    Thanks a bunch Seraphim! Elaborate yet concise. Thank you very much
  12. Thank you gents for the valuable info here. I've returned after a long hiatus as well, and all these modules is just... so painful. OP, in my pursuit, I've found quite a good resource here that you may like as well: [External Link Removed]

    I am assuming that's the actual DarkOrbit Wiki... if it isn't, forgive me mods.

    Edit: RIP, it was an external link. You can find what I had linked via a search engine--"darkorbitwiki modules." Should be one of the first things to pop up, and contains a good description of every module.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
  13. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    awesome find, thank you very much for sharing!
    KilerStreak likes this.