Upgrade Bonus Hour

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Kante., Jun 2, 2024.

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  1. Kante.

    Kante. User

    In calendar Friday June 7 2024 isn't listed the regular biweekly Update Bonus Hour. Is it omission? I didn't see any announcement about ending it.
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    upgrade hour isn't always biweekly and you need to watch the calendar because the calendar, is on a different time zone then the server. Too many times i've gone to use it and the calendar is a day ahead it will read Saturday when its still Friday and 7 pm server time.
    Seraphim likes this.
  3. It's always on Friday from 7 pm, every 2 weeks.
  4. Sure you aren't off by a week? Some months have five Friday's going through them, which can "mess up" the subsequent months.
    DarkOrbit Forums and communication channels runs based off German's time zone, GMT+2. The calender will update according to that time, so it will be ahead of western servers. Ignore the highlight color, and compare it with the server's time.
  5. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    why not fix it so i tells the turth for the server?
  6. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hi Folks,

    You can change the time zone setting displayed in the forums to match your time zone. Go to the top of any page in the forums and click your name, then click Preferences. In the box that pops up, there is a field called Time Zone, just change that to match your local time and it should change the time displayed.

    While this still may not match server time, it should help with any times displayed here in forums.

    I hope this helps ;)

  7. The forums are a website with pre-configured defaults. It will default to Germany's time, until you initialize your settings & it's saved via cookies.
    I've been here since 2013... why is this the first I've heard of it? That is so cool :eek: