some questions

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by Joanser2712, Sep 22, 2024.

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  1. Hey people I'm a old player but about 4 years not playing this gam so I got some questions to ask.
    1.where can I build apie drone and Zeus drone in this game?
    2.where can I research 5 lab skills in this game?
    3.How to get Uridium fast? Still collecting shiny floating boxes or keep destroying Aliens?

    Hope sobody can help me, please?
  2. ok am only a few months old but i can at least attempt to give you something to think about

    1. In the assembly, its among the tabs along the top left side of the client when loaded into a map, once opened, use the filter options to select 'drones' only and within here, you can buy a blueprint for each costing uri (expensive really) or you can collect blueprints from booty boxes, green boxes give a small drop chance for apis only, while gold boxes drop both apis and zues, gold boxes only appear every two weeks on a friday, but can be collected using green booty keys. I know you need 45 zues blueprints to be able to build the zeus drone (same or less for apis), find out how many you have by clicking on the relative drone tab icon for building the drones, theres one for building a blueprint if you don't want to collect from booty boxes and one for building the drone for when you have enough blueprints

    2. Not sure what you mean by lab skills, am thinking you mean the 'skill tree' accessed on the front menu by the pilot skills, for these you need to acquire the correct amount of log disks and you'll be able to exchange them for a research point that you can use in the skill tree to obtain bonuses. The best way to get log disks is through doing the Zeta Galaxy Gate on sundays where you get double rewards so you get 100 log disks instead of 50 if you did it on any other day. You'll also get 50 green booty keys so this can help in getting gold boxes for your drones

    3. The stronger you get the quicker you can farm uri, and this is from doing NPC's, if you're relatively new then farming Kristillions in the x-7 map, and while in here be on the look out for rare spawning NPCs called Attitude and Observe, they look the same as Black light NPC's Impulse and Attend but they are so easy to kill and each give 5K as part of their reward, doing this is probably the best return reward, but once you get stronger by obtaining promethus lasers, then farming invokes and behemoths in the Black Light maps, is where you want to be for uri gains, oh and for bonus boxes, its really a personal choice down to you whether you feel its worth it or not but when it comes to farming invokes and behemoth then buying the doubler package is not worth it as there are no boxes here to pick up
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2024
  3. You meant I can buy blueprints in assembly?I see.
    about 5 tech skills, I meant 100% rocket hit Ratio the targets and instantly recover 75000 health and shields. I could'nt found them. Are they in assembly option, too?
  4. Yeah you can buy a single blueprint to the total amount of what you need to build one, done so using the assembly filter 'drones'

    Oh the tech skills then yes these are also in the assembly, filter 'Techs' only and you'll see them to be built, there is one for building with uri only and one for building with credits and some other materials

    One other thing about farming uri is if you're strong enough, and get bored with just doing kristillons, then doing some deadly battle rays to break things up isn't a bad idea, but is prob best only to do so if you're on the PVE server with peace protection on, don't forget theres some kristillons on x-6 map and also some rare NPC's on here too, that also drop indoctrine oil as part of their reward
  5. why is the game so dam laggy im seeing bots break dancing streners poping players and cubes running after trains lmao sort game out pls thanku lol
  6. I see. I still got some questions in this game, though. Hope Everybody can answer me.
    1.Do Seproms and drone formations affect hellstorm rockets?
    2.Is there any speed booster or other accelerater in this game?I had been killed by other same goliath player but they fly much more faster than my goliath . I already have 15 fastest speed generat with goldden stones booosted.
    3.Can we buy a BO3 shield generator in assembly?Or we can only receive tthem by dailly log in?
    4.What can Scatter laser 3 and 2 do? How much damage can they done?
    5. What can modules from daily auctions do?

    Beg for everybodys' help.