support ticket

Discussion in 'Technical Event Issues' started by AVIT, Sep 14, 2024.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    I am not getting nue chips acknowledged on the season pass ,so went to write a support ticket . . cant even complain or notify it is not working to them now .
    cookies are accepted and cache done also .
  3. Support is already aware of the issue and are working on a fix!!!
  4. AVIT

    AVIT User

    also neu chips are not been counted on season pass ,,and also ,my saved configs are not saving .. + many many bots with supere powerfulol lasers killing peeps .lol ... game is in a right mess as normal .
  5. Connection lost while jumping to EBG and support is not working :/
  6. And, so that there is not too much to complain about,
    shouldn't the log file contain all the information I ever do or get in the game?
    When I looked at the log file after completing Kappa x 2 ( Weekly task),
    there is no mention of 160 Kyhalon ? Why?
    And have I ever received or will I ever receive the promised reward.
  7. AVIT

    AVIT User

    i reinstalled the client and is now working
    But i still get the same stupid non caring replies !
  8. avit lady reinstall client is broken untill full client it will stay broken programmers are useless
  9. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    my support page hasn't worked in years, i have to do it through the back pages. i have no why to send because the page refuses to let me type on it. this game is filled with bugs.
  10. only anoucement you all need to know is game is broken so if u mug enogh to spend on 400 mhh ..mega happy hour u will have sad hours after they taking money yer game is broken most cant even get on game ..if u do it frezzes up and breaks been doing it for weeks unless u bot u get smotther ride u getto break dance before a npc pops u lol
  11. support is not humans its a ai robot who dont reply unless you say how great game is so give up all humans are dead robots have taken over