Skylab malfunction?

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by TheDutchAvenger, Sep 25, 2024.

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  1. Every time I try to send ore to my ship, I get a 404 error. Can anyone help? (Yes, I cleared my cache and no, it did not help).
  2. M3T30RIT

    M3T30RIT User

    When you login into the game and you're being asked to accept Cookies & stuff you have to click yes. I don't remember whether it was Cookies or Terms & Conditions or whatever but it basically pops up either at the login screen or when it transfers you to the backpage after the login.
  3. That never happened before and I have not had to click to accept cookies the time I logged in before the malfunction
  4. _Mr_Black_

    _Mr_Black_ User

    How did you resolve this issuee because I am getting it now and it is realy annoying
  5. did you clear game cache on log in left page settings clear game cache?