bad gateway again

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by Star*Fire, Dec 19, 2023.

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  1. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    this moring at 9:30 am us server bad gateway. took a few trys before it loaded
  2. Same here - US Servers "502 Bad Gateway".
    Horrible time connecting. Been trying since 9:45am EST. First time I could actually access Forum at 10:15am EST
    User ID 162197184
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    thats as far as i got, got to login bonus page, clicked on claim. thing is moving so slow. I took a shower and it's still trying to load. They need to hire a real good tec crew to come and gives this game a real big going over. it's pretty obvious the crew they got now is in over their heads.
  4. rt87_LPFC_

    rt87_LPFC_ User

    i cant log in in bonus page...
  5. game page only loads half way, fantastic,....
  6. rt87_LPFC_

    rt87_LPFC_ User

    i have lost daily quests portal and modules in assemble ,let we see what compensation will we get this time.....
  7. Frozen Labyrinth ---> Frozen Game
  8. SoloWulf

    SoloWulf User

    2024, and this problem still exists? I can't play at all, game client just pushes the "502 bad gateway" error. Anyone know why?
  9. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    you could try. opening server tab at the top just above the bad gateway notice and picking your server. this has worked for me many times. it has something to do with restart, (bad bootup) I'll have to do this a few times. then it fixes itself. hope that helps.