Correction to a posted announcement earlier today

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ]Coldheart[, Jan 29, 2025.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Hello Space Pilots,

    The connection issues should be resolved now and all instances are back up and running. Thank you very much for your patience!

    Your DarkOrbit Team​
    House Rules | Support | FAQ | Apply to be a mod

    Sorry Oddessey;
    Still no access!!
    Game will not load up at all and the amount of time needed to continually download the game is atrocious !
    WRINKLEFREE and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  2. tibstar

    tibstar User

    game unplayable
  3. puzzle727

    puzzle727 User

    I dont understand that my 50% hon booster expires but the game is offline how it happen ? Why i bought when i can't use it. But dont worry they will make and code for compensate our money with some like this: "2k ucb-100; 100ggs; 5 green bk; 50 wiz-x rockets" XDDD Useless. My hon booster just expires and they cant fix this game. We waiting for the useless code you'll make xD Enjoy the game guys hahahaha
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  4. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hey folks, sorry that you are still having trouble! We just post the information that we're given and asked to post. Unfortunately many of you still seem to be having trouble so please be patient. The game team is aware and they're working to get it fixed.
  5. KRASI-69

    KRASI-69 User

    ha hq
  6. AVIT

    AVIT User

    GAME TEAM are very incompetent arnt they as are support .. did you know support say to post here and not support lol ,discord says to post to support or forums . NO ONE TAKES responsibility on this game and the game team are unreachable .
    RapidStar[go_up] likes this.
  7. Can log into game, but the server for GA2 just does not stay connected. Continuous disconnects. No other server seems to be able to be accessed from here.
    No notice about any updates/downloads/etc.

    Is this game being supported????
    WRINKLEFREE likes this.
  8. Well they have been great at creating 'skins' that so many people are just begging for. No one could possibly be asking for something else for over 12 years. Its awesome that the game cannot see when 1 (ONE) connection or public ip address is rolling up to 8 ships at the same time.

    Bonus when you look at their own tracking and see someone create an account and then play 90% of the available hours in a 2 year period to become #1 on a server. Neat huh. #1 and no one sees an issue how he did that in such a short time and never works or sleeps.

    Game is not being moderated anymore. I watched this past week 3 trains from the same clan that wars everyone rolling. No one cares

    Just play the game and avoid the app users.
    BlueDabaDe and paylos like this.
  9. WOW! ---> =MarcVenture= You were actually able to log in and see this (anything in the game) ?
    Downloading the darn 'super-big' bunch of code to get access again; multiple attempts to login, see the screen showing a START button, move cursor into where a ship is displayed, click on it to begin the game, the 'image changes to show a ship at the base station; then POOF! disconnect. Re-login, see the above, repaet access attempt; then POOF! disconnect.

    Tried the Launcher, at best it tries to download the game again (maybe it's an update, but it takes as long as the entire game to download).
    Not sure what was being tried out, but if there are others that have access to the game and those that cannot connect, what is going on.
    I have no game access that stays up long enough to enter a trouble ticket to 'SUPPORT'.

    Can a moderator please forward this to the SUPPORT GROUP, please?

    They have access to my email already and if it is possible, can direction be given, by them, as to how to get reliable game access?
    BlueDabaDe and WRINKLEFREE like this.