Skylab not working

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by -≈ID0L0NI≈-, Feb 2, 2025.

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  1. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    404 server not found on a white screen is all im getting . RIP skylab
    -PRICEYSID- and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  2. Aduci

    Aduci User

    Same here... Huge amount of money lost
    -PRICEYSID- and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  3. chat broken a game crashes everytime i goto hanger restricts ,me logging out cross all offf try gain doing head in ...i need chat ror my mates and fix hanger pls clan ie greek clan in global using bethmoth bot as oon i get near game crash pls watch greek clan there pain in the arse thanku lmao
    MacSgalpaigh and -PRICEYSID- like this.
  4. Kernow69

    Kernow69 User

    Is anyone actually looking at the skylab fault or is this the end of skylab ?
    An update would be nice.
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  5. VampireCat

    VampireCat User

    Getting an acknowledgement or even a reply from DO on this issue would be appreciated and also, a sign of DO giving a hoot about their customers.
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  6. DO please let us know where you are with this?
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  7. $Mxmaj999$

    $Mxmaj999$ User

    Have they never heard of backup and proper colocation servers.
    I've been not working for 3 weeks now for no apparent reason. Support acknowledged the problem but fail to answer any further progress requests. Tried all the common potential solutions regardless how silly they are.
    I've tried a number of servers, I've tried 6 browsers, 7 computers, 2 laptops and they are all broken so this clearly is a Dark orbit server/client problem. Use the backup!
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  8. for me using microsoft edge worked
  9. Kernow69

    Kernow69 User

    Using client log in I still can't use skylab.. error 404 still there.
    Used the old backpage login.. and I was able to send rocks...
    Why won't they fix the game ?
    izik likes this.
  10. yer skylabs broke again, there just a set of useless coders, fix one thing break three more, repeat............
    $Mxmaj999$ and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  11. 4 weeks now and not fixed. I am guessing this wont ever work again. Kinda ruins the game if we cannot transfer sep etc.....
  12. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    lol, they dont care, if it was money related they'd fix it in inutes, but a game problem nahhh not interested......
    -≈ID0L0NI≈- and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  13. $Mxmaj999$

    $Mxmaj999$ User

    If they cant be bothered to fix the game. I cant be bothered to play it. Bye
    -≈ID0L0NI≈- and WRINKLEFREE like this.
  14. Yep. Stopped spending anything on this game. What's the point if it doesn't even work?
    $Mxmaj999$ and WRINKLEFREE like this.
  15. Well this IS money related. I have not spent a penny on this game since the skylab failure and am honestly thinking of just quitting altogether at this point. BP are actually useless at running a game. :( Its not like this is a simple uninteresting failure. No sep = low power and why play then? I really do not understand their logic.
  16. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    they seem to be interested in the botters all the time, all the quests are bot totals, and the constant dis-connets and unbelievable lagg, they must be the worst game people on the planet........
  17. Yes, all quite correct. It's like all the coders have just left the company or something. Nothing works (apart from the happy hours etc) properly and there are no messages about it from devs or mods. :(
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  18. Heavens above. They fixed it :eek:
  19. $Mxmaj999$

    $Mxmaj999$ User

    The mice on magnathere but they don't understand the question
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.