Everything deleted in my game

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by DrillON, Wednesday at 5:08 PM.

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  1. DrillON

    DrillON User

    172514155 ID UK DrillON

    When I log into game. There are no ships nothing. The game has started from the beginning like a new game from the start. Help.

    When I log in to the game DrillON. IT logs me into another account DrillON 7365
    I need you to restore the DrillON account ID172514155.

    This happened after your UPDATE FIX it.
    Last edited by moderator: Yesterday at 9:06 PM
  2. KruelSiege

    KruelSiege User

    I have never heard of such a thing happening to anyone. You probably won't be the first person to get this lucky. I think you entered a different server. Check your server and write an update here again.
  3. DrillON

    DrillON User

    Checked the server went Global still the same.
    Still using same password, Signs on as DrillON. But then takes me to another account DrillON7365. a new account. What the hell.
    I'm signed in as DrillON But on my main page it says DrillON7365.?

    So still the same I guess dark orbit deletes your account after 2 years. so you need to start again not going to happen. Fix my account.

    so much for support, what a disaster this game is.

    Anytime your ready to fix it anytime.
    Last edited by moderator: Yesterday at 9:06 PM
  4. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    As already mentioned, please check to see if you are on the correct server. If you are still unable to locate your account then you will need to contact support as they can have a more in-depth look at your account.
