Would you like to pay darkorbit 15-20 dollars to be able to change servers and merge accounts?

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by ☆�*FЦΣ®^^©.®^^®^^HKM, Mar 11, 2025.

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  1. I don't know if you guys would like this idea, do you think it would be cool to merge accounts? into a single account? Let's say I play on fr1 and Mex1 and Ganimades, it would be cool to merge those 3 accounts into a single account.

    Why do I say this, there are a lot of trains and zombies. Don't you think it would be cool if bigpoint prevented users from creating more accounts?

    Why do I say this, there are many who create accounts for that same thing, trains and zombies, and then they trade with them. I hope what I say doesn't cause me a temporary forum ban. I only say this so that the forum moderators pass this information on to the developers.

    Let me explain, if a user is allowed to create more accounts with a single IP, these users will make more accounts and make more trains and zombies and this does not benefit darkorbit since it loses billions and even though they don't run the game well, it is also our fault because if the game does not have enough income, they cannot pay for their developers to improve the game. It is also our fault as players.

    Another option is to prevent players from cheating by making the game only allowed to open on 2 platforms, one in unity and the other in flash, so we prevent these players from entering from other places where they can cheat

    Another option, Battle passes should be bought with real money, not with uridium. This will help improve the game's economy and make it even better.

    The other, as I mentioned in the previous topic, is the option to change servers even if they take away your honor and experience and charge you like 15 to 25 dollars, this would greatly benefit darkorbit

    Another option is that a player cannot play more than 140 hours, oh 365 days a year, nobody can stand that, I suppose darkorbit already knows that, but it is very soft with users

    So what do you think, do you think this could help avoid trains?
    I know that some use vpn and a virtual computer and that is why there are these problems

    I have many ideas to improve darkorbit actually
  2. KruelSiege

    KruelSiege User

    I am in favor of giving players the chance to change servers for a fee. For example, they could add an item to the shop. This item would only be purchasable with real money. It could be something like a CPU. When activated in-game, a window would pop up where we can select the server we want to move to. If such a feature were added to the game just once, it would be great.

    The server I play on is in a time zone that is very different from my country’s time zone. Also, there’s no one who speaks English. I would like to switch to my country’s server. Everyone could be allowed to switch to their country’s servers or global servers, giving them that option. For example, if you’re connecting from an IP in Germany (with past records checked), you would only be able to switch to either the Global servers or the German servers etc.

    Honestly, this is the only thing I am expecting in the game. It’s a bit different from a "merge," but still quite parallel.
  3. Or, better still, how about fixing the basics of the game 1st, like the skylab which has not been working for weeks o_O
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  4. months... lol

    i actually wonder if you even play the same dark orbit as everyone else. encouraging dark orbit to make more payment options when they are sat on million dollar company with hardly any spending into the game. They are not struggling for funding.

    if dark orbit actually wanted to reduce bots stop vpns and reduce trains etc. and increase there funding, All they would have to do is make every payment the same as turkish price that`s how simple it would be but they are just lazy, greedy and only care about the numbers there game is showing and not the actual numbers of how many people are actually playing by hand.
    Last edited by moderator: Saturday at 4:24 PM
  5. tibstar

    tibstar User


    boting in one account then move to another server to show you prosprity
    people like u guys put this game into the trash before 10-15 years ago

    PAY FOR WHAT ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? tell me one reason to do that just one reason
  7. Maj.Kong

    Maj.Kong User

    simple solution:
    create new global server
    and say "if you cheat or bot on this server you will be permanently banned. if you accept this and your account has not been banned before, you can move your account to this server."
    and if you see someone cheating on this server, ban that account. admin ships may patrol the maps from time to time.

    Let them cheat as they want on other servers:p. If you can't ban them, change the policy.

    but i doubt everyone wants to play on this server, i hope a hundred players are enough to have fun.
    because nobody wants to play this game without bots (except me and you:D) and DO doesn't care (maybe happy).

  8. The only problem you have with this is the fact that you would need to find people who would actually want to work for this company for their to be admins to patrol the maps lmao.
  9. Maj.Kong

    Maj.Kong User

    hahaha that's the easy part. I can patrol.
  10. didd you think where is people who's didnt get banned ...
    actulay all players in this game had banns all all all ... and there is people banned with no reason you know that ???
    so who's gona play on this server?
    and the next problem is how to catch a cheatin gpeople ...
    this game is [REMOVED]
    Last edited by moderator: Tuesday at 3:34 AM
  11. Simple and only solution : Create server for cheaters only. There they can cheat each other until the end of the dark orbit.
  12. Maj.Kong

    Maj.Kong User

    So what is the purpose of these comments?