
Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by .-señor_dark11-., Wednesday at 1:38 AM.

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Do you want the extra shots from Prometheus & Odysseus to use sab for its extra shot instead of x2?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Please make it so that when you are shooting/using SAB ammo, the extra shots from Prometheus and Odysseus still shoot SAB instead of x2, it is such a poorly designed feature and it killed the use of SAB in the game as it is now mostly useless.
  2. BlueDabaDe

    BlueDabaDe User

    ? Great addition to the discussion... it would be nice to be able to use sab in fights and against npcs again, the current meta is boring.
  3. people still use SAB and X2??
  4. BlueDabaDe

    BlueDabaDe User

    no, and that's the point, it's wasted. the point is that sab should still be used in combat and it would be used more often IF proms and Odey lasers did not shoot their extra shots as x2 INSTEAD of sab. try shooting with sab in anything, the 5th/extra shot will be x2 ammo with no shield leech instead of doubling sab's damage, the current meta where it is all penetration and speed is boring, what is the point of even having shields now? sab could be reintroduced in PVP battles if the damage doubled on the 5th shot instead of shooting simple x2 ammo. You have misunderstood the topic.
  5. YEAH,
    and they are still worth it
  6. all problems in fight are from AL hacks and other thirtprogms ,bugs , and not at least MODULES
  7. shield are usles since 2016-2017
  8. yes, that is the point, I have never seen someone miss the point of the convo harder than you. go get a cat scan.
  9. shields and SAB-50 are good i mean other stuff in game are stupid make these two useles