09/07/2023 Game broken

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by YOUNG^BLOOD™, Sep 8, 2023.

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  1. It has been weeks now that we haven't had a functional game. Not sure about other servers but US2 has been broken for a while. Originally it was delay between shooting aliens where it would take 5-20 seconds before registering your damage.

    And now today some maps are completely non functional. Currently I am stuck in EBG since the beginning of server restart, probably until next server restart. Cannot switch hangars as my ship is not logged out due to being stuck in a 'gate'. Trying to log in only results in infinitely Establishing Connection. The compensations are useless since we still can not play the game properly. It's been 3-4 weekends that we haven't been able to do gates. Perseus grace event is about gates but gates are non functional. When will the game finally be fixed ? It's impossible to do anything. I'm sure many people will quit over this
  2. I was stuck just like that the other day sent a message to support and the issue was that I had a title, I had to go to my pilot sheet and change the title to something else and the game allowed me to login again LOL.