1-6 map not working GA3

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by {brain∞dead}, Jun 21, 2014.

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  1. as of this time 1-6 map on GA3 server is not working. on log in i found that there I could not shoot, could not leave map, could not turn off the cbs for primetime. nothing is working at all. all mmo who logged out on this map are now stuck there. I have lost the opportunity to build time on my cbs and i expect DO to say well that is my problem when it clearly is DO's problem. this isnt the first time DO has caused us to lose out in a major way through a game problem that is entirely thei fault and not the players' fault. I would expect some kind of compensation but this is Dark Orbit and they do not know the meaning of the work. Unhappy!!
  2. brain , the maps that aren't working at GA3 is x-6 , 4-5 , x-3 maps not just 1-6.
  3. Hello {brain∞dead}

    I would move this to appropriate section for further discussion.

    From: General Issues
    To: Technical Issues