1 vs 1

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by hellseeker685, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. hey anyone cant tell a good 1vs1 config (no running is allowed )
    so should i take 15bo2 and rest lf3 or should try something else more sheild
    please help
    as many will not tell there configs but help will be appreicited
  2. What ship.. What's your Bio set up? How many drones? Drone formations?

    Give me some incite to your set up.

    Peace :cool:
  3. ageis
    25 pp
    heart and diamond
    2lf4 rest lf3 and full bo2
    8 drones
    and normal fat lasers setup just 1 pp in rocket fusion
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  4. burkey

    burkey User

    No running allowed? In which case you'll just have all B02 ship and drones lasers....

    The configs I use for battle is one config with assasin (i.e. full speed gens, couple of b02 for using SAB on fast config and rest LF3/4), then second a slow tank config (all ship and drones B02)