10 Hour resource booster buff

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GreenandGrey, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. Currently the resource booster is the least appreciated booster of all. It has no pvp benefit and the extra credits are negligible considering the hassle of selling rocks.

    The way to fix this is to have resource boosters count towards bonus box loot also. Perhaps 25% would be too much, but it needs some sort of additional appeal.

    Alternatively, create a new booster exclusively for bonus boxes.
  2. There is already a Bonus Box Doubler available for payment, thus drawing people away from buying it. Don't think BigPoint would be too happy. ;)
  3. yeah there is in pilot bio skills for bonus box to but people still buy doubler :p
    it would be a great boost if they make it, good idea :)

    to add there is autoloter for pet, and it collects both bonus and cargo box, so why not booster that do the same, and boost all cargo and bonus box.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014